The Rock Poem by Leslie Alexis

The Rock

Rating: 5.0

Give me a rock,
Any rock,
And I would carve from it the emblem of our love:
The lily,
which unlike the rose- is gentle;
From the base of the stem, to the tip of the shoot, is mild.

Give me a rock,
Any rock,
And I would mold with it the trenches of a river,
With purpose of
pooling the scatterings of your love for me,
Channeling it,
That it might mix with the sea I have for you.
And there our adoration for each other is endless,
And would never run dry.

Give me a rock,
Any rock,
And I would make it into a brace,
That it might fix my eyes upon you,
Not because of Jealousy or distrust,
But because you are so fair.
So fair,
That I do myself a disservice
If for a second I take them off you;
Even if it were to view the crown jewels.

And love
As I am on my knees, I ask of you
that you take this rock;
For each day you’re not my wife,
It is one less day that I live.
so...Say yes,
That I may have the hope of days to come,
Say yes,

And within twelve turns of the moon
Take my name.
With this said
Love…Will you marry me?

* Stephen *king 27 July 2011

Well done.....................Leslie................Your poem is solid like a rock..................hein.........Leslie Rocks.............

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Elena Sandu 26 July 2011

Sweet and beautiful, I loved it, hope she said yes and you will have a beautiful filled with love marriage. Thank you for share,10

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Peace Okhomina 25 July 2011

A wonderful poem with an intrestin meaning

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Hans Vr 25 July 2011

You have managed to give a very poetic and very nice expression of your love in this very special request. I am so close to 100 % sure that whoever it was directed to, will have said an immediate yes. You mixed the strength of the rock with the gentleness of the lilly, the river and the sea and then the stanza about the eyes, all wonderful. Fantastic poem.

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