The Unknown Beauty Poem by Joseph S. Josephides

The Unknown Beauty

Rating: 5.0

Francis Galton asks himself, ‘of what a pretty face is made! ’

Two scientists from Texas University agree and state that:
Darwin’s cousin is right; beauty is a lab combining recipes.
You select photos of good quality from two hundred women,
and fabricate a desired face, brows of one, chins of another.
What colour should apply for the point psi of her face? Apply
chromatic grade three, average of the extremes one and five.
For the beauty, Wilde, you better entrust our own portrait,
grey, the median of black and white, a pot instead of flower.

Then Homer, said to be a blind poet, becomes furious,
enters their photo lab, disrupts electricity and water provision.
‘For centuries I paint beauty without brush’, shouts on them
“you short-sighted, why Greeks admired Helen of all women?
though I never described her? I donated imagination to paint!
Her glance is a rainbow of numerous colours, a daydream,
her hair is a waterfall of honey on her breasts, do taste it,
her divine body, is Praxiteles' smooth motion, touch upon it,
her grace, is a nocturnal music of Mozart, approach and listen,
her cheek, is a flower of Edem, for bees of Texas, do smell it.’’

A diamond engraves wrinkles of wisdom in her brain,
the rivers of veins allow the lava flow out of the heart,
a crevice in the pomegranate of her soul to generate;
look up to her: the Beauty emerges from fires and shades.

Poetry, you liberate me; I look into vision without seeing,
I fall in love, with unspeakable myth and unmixed wine,
I create the Unknown Beauty for all times, as I imagine her.

© JosephJosephides

Homer, the greatest of all poets at all times, never described the Beautiful Helen, only to let the imagination of each man to describe her the way this man likes her!

'Poetry, you release me to have vision with no visualisation, to fall in love, with immense myth and abundant wine, to create the Unknown Beauty, at all times, ' - This made it perfect!

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Seema Aarella 28 September 2008

Words are hardly enough to describe what i feel....i just enjoyed the read...the situation and dramatic setting are a plus point.

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Tanny Quin 25 September 2008

As the old saying goes' Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'! ! ! All depends on who's looking and how they feel about what they see and sense. You have done wonderfully on your words and explanation of how you feel about the unknown beauty! ! Phebe

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Airda Jones 22 September 2008

I believe that your title couldn't hit home any better. Everything fits into those three words. A very nice piece and I especially enjoyed the line, ”Poetry, you release me to have vision with no visualization” I think anyone who truly enjoys writing poetry rejoices in that emotional release to see in their mind whatever their words create.

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Sulaiman Mohd Yusof 22 September 2008

Your painting of women's beauty is as poetic as the smiles of ancient 'Sharon Stones'.

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June Feir-Cruz 20 September 2008

What makes a woman beautiful? Dear Kind Sir - I have been contemplating this for the longest isn't so much that I am a vain woman, but getting older it makes me wonder if I would care at all if I become invisible? For clearly it's not all about physical perfection that makes a woman beautiful and desireable. Beauty as you had professed is: SUBJECTIVE. Thank you, Mr. Josephides for such an honest and insightful observation on beauty. Respects, June Feir-Cruz

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