The Wound Poem by Gwen Harwood

The Wound

Rating: 4.8

The tenth day, and they give
my mirror back. Who knows
how to drink pain, and live?
I look, and the glass shows
the truth, fine as a hair,
of the scalpel's wounding care.

A round reproach to all
that's warped, uncertain, clouded,
the sun climbs. On the wall,
by the racked body shrouded
in pain, is a shadow thrown;
simple, unchanged, my own.

Body, on whom the claims
of spirit fall to inspire
and terrify, there flames
at your least breath a fire
of anguish, not for this pain,
but that scars will remain.

You will be loved no less.
Spirit can build, make shift
with what there is, and press
pain to its mould; will lift
from your crucible of night
a form dripping with light.

Felix culpa. The sun
lights in my flesh the great
wound of the world. What's done
is done. In man's estate
let my flawed wholeness prove
the art and scope of love.

John Cena 23 February 2017

pre lit ayyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

7 1 Reply
John Cena 23 February 2017

pre lit ayeeeeeeeeeee

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Lyn Paul 02 March 2015

So beautifully expressed by Gwen and wonderful to see an Australian in the Top 500 poets.

3 1 Reply
Adeeb Alfateh 17 July 2019

You will be loved no less. Spirit can build, make shift with what there is, and press pain to its mould; will lift from your crucible of night a form dripping with light. excellent write great 10+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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Pranab K Chakraborty 17 July 2019

Beautifully crafted with skilled hand. Words here dancing to wear a gown of meaning as common reader could catch a flame of poetic mind. Unique the piece of word-art. Thanks PH for putting this poem.

2 1 Reply

Powerful and touching poem.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 16 May 2021

A solemn poem about how a wound gets better and how the feelings are also the pain that had been there. Touchuing poem about the healing of a wound and how the ex-patient looked like.5 Stars full. A finest read so true

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Dr Antony Theodore 25 April 2020

Body, on whom the claims of spirit fall to inspire and terrify, there flames at your least breath a fire of anguish, not for this pain, but that scars will remain.. a very fine poem indeed. tony

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Kevin Patrick 17 July 2019

When I read this I think of every person I love who has had to face ordeals in a hospital, my grandfathers triple bypass, my cousins heart condition, and all the things they must endeaur to lifes wounds. A fine work that captures human pain.

1 1 Reply
Mahtab Bangalee 17 July 2019

Body, on whom the claims of spirit fall to inspire and terrify, there flames at your least breath a fire of anguish, not for this pain, but that scars will remain. // excellently wrote the wound in this stanza beautiful poem shared, thanks

1 1 Reply
Gwen Harwood

Gwen Harwood

Taringa, Queensland
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