There comes a time when,
one finds shut, all the doors.
The feet long to take a step, but,
find no trail to walk on.
On the radio,
listening to the melodies
of some far off land,
watching a movie,
putting the old books in order,
reminiscing the ancestral abodes
or, saying goodbye to some one,
the eyes get wet.
In the podiums full of sunshine,
the melancholy comes and
occupies the empty chairs, and
just like that,
misty and rainy spell,
engulfs everything
There comes a time when,
a man finds himself alone,
among all the people around…! ! !
(English translation by Kamran Awan)
Many works I ignored as I had no time for them, now smile when I have full time for the ignored ones, many persons I ignored as I had no time for them, now welcome me with tears when I vist them with a smile.