Things Are Falling Apart Poem by DM W

Things Are Falling Apart

Rating: 5.0

Things are falling apart. The brave,
New systems are now malfunctioning.
The wires are all tangled up.
Silvery, metallic forms turn red
With rust. Dark spectres emerge.
There's no communication, apart
From intermittent signals.
The void is devouring all longing
And sentient life forms.
O I feel like we've been here before:
A long time ago, back when
Icarus flew too close to the sun.

Things Are Falling Apart
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: disaster,futuristic,technology
Dominic Windram 15 August 2020

Thank you both for your very perceptive comments...much appreciated!

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Shaun Cronick 10 August 2020

Westworld and The Terminator where nothing can go... wron..... g. 10+ and most enlightening and frightening too Dominic. A great write.

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Susan Williams 09 August 2020

You know what- -the way mankind is falling in huge numbers to Covid 19 we could actually die out as a species and when that happens all our brilliant technology will fall to rust and the plant life will swarm over our buildings and our innovations. Well, shoot, I just depressed the heck out of myself- or rather you did! Great writing to do that so I will give you a 10+++++++++++

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