Too Long In Happiness Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Too Long In Happiness

Did you expect to find me saddened?
Returning as a 'gift' to lift my spirits,
From darkened caverns of despair?
Hoping to build and boost me as your new project...
As you coached me through a narrow tunnel vision!
Something you suspect,
You placed and left there...
By a quick and regretted decision?

You have an expression of shock I witness.
Neither am I bitter...
Nor has hope for me been stopped!
Are you surprised I have no tears to drop?
What are you planning to plot on this 'visit'?

When you left without explanation...
And I saw you unexpectedly,
With a ticket to board a train at the station.
I knew right then you were setting me free!
I admit I was then a bit upset...
But something came over me!
I wasn't angry upon this sight I met!

I saw myself with a life you had stalled.
I chose to heal...
I chose to stand tall.
After bouts with doubts you left.
And after my emotions were torn as I crawled!
Realizing you were the one that had done this all...
I never looked back!
You made me see you were not worth that!
You made it clear you were not my destiny.
That was definitely a 'no no' for me!

Did you expect to find me saddened?
Returning as a 'gift' to lift my spirits,
From darkened caverns of despair?
Hoping to build and boost me as your new project...
As you coached me through a narrow tunnel vision!
Something you suspect,
You placed and left there...
By a quick and regretted decision?

I'll prepare you lunch.
And when you are done...
I wont allow you to smog my fresh atmosphere!
Is it clear...
I have been too long in happiness without you?

Ted Sheridan 28 June 2007

Whatever you do don't let them leave a tooth brush....

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