Ukraine Situation Report: Russian Invasion Day: 212 Poem by Gert Strydom

Ukraine Situation Report: Russian Invasion Day: 212

'The war in Ukraine will continue
until the complete defeat
of Russia. We have already
lost, the rest is just a matter
of time.' Igor Girkin

Putin threatens again with nuclear war,
three hundred thousand reservists up do call;
between fifty and sixty thousand Russians did fall,
and no Russian man can this call-up ignore.

Putin will use as canon-fodder many more
and Russian men flee as these hits one and all,
later at the border some countries do entry stall,
where such call ups did happen only twice before.

Some of those trying to cross the border the police arrest,
into the army they are forced to go,
as well as rioters that they do into the army press,
without consequential training they do nothing know;
without freedom life in Russia to attest,
the Russian Tsar, Putin, do them to death bestow.

From businesses, factories and stations
the Russian police do any man grab,
while the police deals harshly with protestations,
as a great lie this does through limited conscription stab.

People that have never been in the army,
are without any means to stop being forced into it,
with a month's training to face Ukraine and they are unhappy
know terror; know that as canon-fodder they will be hit,

and so an IT-specialist of Spier Bank goes to war,
while in the north of Ukraine the first snow does fall,
do hate Putin and his regime like never before,
as men inhumanly against their will are cut small,

while Tsar, Putin, as God over all do rule,
and more Russians hate him as he acts like a fool.

The blanked-out line seven in Putin's official instruction,
speaks about a million Russian troops,
building up to three million in military induction,
where Putin force governors to send huge groups,

according to Novia Gazetta, a newspaper in Moscow,
and at stop-streets and traffic-lights,
most men are forced without any training to go,
while Putin in the decimation of his nation delights,

where the only Russian way of winning
is throwing as canon-fodder overwhelming bodies,
after hitting with massive artillery at the beginning,
and this a kind of pure madness embodies;

where Putin is set on killing the whole Ukraine,
heavy hitting weapons are the only way to remain.

Probably through the coming winter Putin will not last,
where at a time a killer will not Putin miss,
where he acts as the Soviet leaders in the past,
that in two World Wars called up like this

and if ever there was a time to really supply
weapons that effective rout an entire army it is now,
where for survival Ukraine do on the West rely,
or to madman Putin to eventually take Europe to allow,

and when he uses nuclear arms to really know,
the radiation will affect each bordering country,
as if on them Putin did a nuclear strike bestow,
where he threatens the world to let him be,

to let his men torture, pillage, rob and rape,
as if for any one from Russia there is no escape.

The people that are not ethnic Russians protest
in republics that make Russia up
know at heart that Tsar, Putin, do not want the best,
where they are forced with the devil to sup,

even in Moscow and St Petersburg people are taken,
forced untrained to go to war at Putin's whim,
he the social contract has been forsaken,
are messing with personal lives, the outlook is grim,

Anonymous, the hacker-collective, did release
the names and with grabbing men numbers increase.

Russia does not hold to the requirements
but do take just as many men as they can,
many are in their fifties just before retirements
where no one but the injured are left to a man

and some of the Russians that did not flee
do try away from authorities to hide,
where more Russians do the evil of Putin see,
and some do with his will obediently abide.

Into Georgia the line is eleven kilometre long,
all flights out are fully booked and sold out,
as if no man do still in Russia belong,
while police clamp down and move about,

Latvia and Lithuania did their borders close,
Finland, Germany and Mongolia do not the entering oppose.

Putin without winter clothes are sending
untrained Russian men into a winter war,
do not worry about how many lives he is expending,
to him his pride and ambitions matter more.

Worse than Stalingrad, this for Russia will be.
The Chechen Mullah called Kadyrov not willing to die,
where he sends Chechens on their way to eternity,
do to them about going to paradise lie.

Where 215 soldiers were for traitor Victor Medvedev released,
Igor Girkin says this mobilization, is in vain,
even with so many of Russian soldiers increased,
nobody will fight when Russia gives up what they did gain.

Kadyrov said: "no, this is terribly wrong,
with a Chechen mobilization he is not going along."

At his will and whim without choice to invade,
they are given Ak-47s and some the AK-74s do get,
in ancient armoured death traps are very afraid,
from eighteen to sixty years old their destiny is set.

They know Ukraine modern weapons has got,
that Ukrainians are thoroughly trained to fight,
that however they fight will not matter a lot,
those inhumane wrongs do not become right.

The hawks in the greatest anger do for murder scream
as soldiers from Azof and Westerners are traded,
to them this do as great atrocity seem,
where they want all of Europe to be invaded

and people sentenced to death are free;
while not a country will annexed arias as Russia see.

Ukraine did Deribasovka close to Lyman gain,
could now further to Stafki be underway,
while it does still immense pressure maintain,
from Hrodibka, Ozerne and Staryi Karavan slay,

the Wagner and DPR rebel Russian troops.
Surrounding them may come as a surprise,
where without supplies and any recoups,
fleeing east to avoid the water-reservoir might arise.

Ukraine attacks from beyond the Seversk-Donetsk River,
as closer and closer to Lyman they come,
does constantly huge damage to Russians deliver
and this war is set for survival and is gruesome,

encirclement from Rivkadub is eminent,
while Wagner and the DPR forces are spent.

In the north Russia has added reserves,
on Kupiansk from Petra Pavlovka attacked,
where strong trenches and defence lines preserves
the Ukrainian forces, Russians are driven back.

With the Blitzkrieg its great that defences were set,
supply lines, the needed logistics are in place
as well as the modern artillery that the Russians met,
which did many of their number totally erase.

Further deeper in on Swatova Ukraine fired
with HIMARS at a command post strike
where the lives if two hundred and fifty Russians expired,
and this in great fear the Russians are dislike;

where obviously Toitske also will be hit,
which does into stopping Russian supplies fit.

In Luhansk Oblast from Bilohorivka Ukraine moves on,
to Lyschansk where Russia hits from high ground,
but Ukraine is set for the Russians to be gone,
and even against better positions its strategy is sound,

while with this battle raging the Russian Tsar, Putin, maintain,
that Russia has control over all if the Luhansk Oblast,
where Ukraine is set on Severedonetsk to gain;
while Putin, the Russian Tsar, lives in the past.

In Kherson still slowly but sure Ukraine is moving
and even with Putin's new laws negotiations
are underway even with his disapproving,
with a total surrender as Ukraine stick to its obligations

and without munitions, fuel and little food,
the Russians that are in control over their soldiers do brood.

In Kherson City HIMARS did the police station hit
where probably as at many other places,
for to torture of civilians the Russians used it,
as they think no low act them disgraces.

The Russians will probably again insist of smoking,
of its untrained officers near some ammunition,
while in defeat Putin is now citizens provoking,
as with millions more the war goes on

and the Western countries and India and Turkey
has told that Tsar, Putin, to take to heart,
they will not annexed places as a part of Russia see,
they remain of the Ukraine still a part.

In the end Russia is going to weaker without men,
without the capacity to attack another country again.
© Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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