Vernal-Equinox Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan


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Vernal- Equinox:
An Elegy

The vernal equinox takes place
in the northern hemisphere around March 21,

when the sun reaches the northern celestial equator.

The vernal equinox also marks the beginning of spring,

why this is so important?
On that day my dear beloved father was born

how do I know?
This vernal equinox is so incredibly unique and artistic,
my dear father constantly experienced beautiful unique things
during his life

Everything is beautiful about him
Starting with his face
Really artistic look: A beautiful handsome man

and his leadership at Stanvac
He was greatly appreciated for this special service

Many of his friends still read his Charlie Chan
A weekly sequel about the detective Charlie Chan.
There were impressive stories every week

He also drew beautiful and funny cartoons

Indeed a born painter and comedian
And he excelled in many pursuits
I'm still very very proud to have his DNA

I am still very very proud to be his daughter

Today is the vernal equinox, his birthday

I see them again in front of me
Many delicacies and the table is beautifully set
A beautiful mini bouquet for each guest
on the beautiful black mini Wedgwood,

his favourite dish and a big Mocca cake
alas, I can only write about it
what all that entailed

now it is very quiet at every vernal equinox
no more grand celebrations
or stage presentations

no more extra delicacies on our dining table,
in his once beloved armchair sleeps Luna,
the neighbourhood cat (she lives 1 mile from our residence)

all joking aside:
the artistic busy actions in the big house are gone,
there is only dead silence to be found

the beautiful, also very artistic, grandkids
honoured their grandpa endlessly,
they do not make much noise anymore
as a token of great respect.

©SYLVIA FRANCES CHAN - Vernal Equinox 2023

My dear beloved father was born on vernal-equinox, but alas only greatest grief for me, he died too young, was that the reason that he could do so many things in such a very short moment? Only God knows the answer. I say this since I believe in God The Almighty.. There are always reasons WHY this occurred, I leave that to the Lord. In my silent hours, I still thank the Lord for the life I have, also very productive, in a way and I am very happy to realize that I have many many dear and beloved friends on PH Poem Site. I have also that Medium Magazine where I have my story poems too. Now I have my focus on this Vernal-Equinox, an occurrence in our season to feel very happy since it is spring now, but at the same time I am also in deepest grief, since I am still mourning my dearest beloved father, but whatver God decided, there is never a monent for me that I can say as 'too quickest' or 'too earliest', I am still communicating with God, especially on this Vernal-Equinox, my dearest beloved father's Birthday, thank you for reading or having read this or for once again rereading this, heartiest greetings, Sylvia Frances Chan on Vernal Equinox Day
Sylvia Frances Chan 21 March 2023

Thank you so much for all responses which I appreciate very much and highest. Each word in each response is constantly unique and great. Thank you!

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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