Walking Poem by Practicing Poetess


Rating: 5.0

Even little toddlers
Slip sometimes
When proudly learning to walk.
So think of it that way
When you recall Thursday.
You fell really hard, didn't you,
And savoured the brief pain
And afterwards, the old, familiar feeling
Of crawling once again.
You're still much too steeped
In old memories of crawling
Walking is the new, the difficult,
The unlearned- -
But don't quit now.
Give it time.
You'll find, as it becomes ever easier,
A much nobler experience
Than crawling ever was.

Friday, March 17, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: change,falling,growth
Rebecca Navarre 03 February 2018

An Ever So Beautifully Strong And Moving Poem! ! ! ! ! Thank You Ever So Much Again For Sharing! ! ! ! ! :) Endless 10S! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! +++++

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Practicing Poetess 04 February 2018

One of my older poems, and definitely not one of my favourites. Thank you for giving it some attention!

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Rebecca Navarre 14 May 2017

A Very Interesting Well Thought Poem! ! ! ! ! With Sentiment Shown! ! ! ! ! As We All Fall And Learn Again! ! ! ! ! Many Many 10S! ! ! ! ! +++++ :)

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Many thanks, Rebecca, for noticing and giving attention to the orphans (the uncommented-on poems at the bottom of my list.) That lets me know that you think outside the box, and appreciate things that others may not. You would make a great poetry critic! Keep up your own good work, and keep that good heart that you have! :)

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