We Swing In Your Eternal Lap Poem by Kumarmani Mahakul

We Swing In Your Eternal Lap

Rating: 5.0

We have established in your due course,
We have trust on you and we feel your love,
No one cares like you at each moment,
You are our precious father of eternity,
Infinite time we declare greatest truth,
No one can deviate us from your path!

Greatest mercy we feel as you sprinkle
New light of new day and new sun smile,
Bringing your tenderness and grace to Earth,
We are your most beloved children,
You have given us eternal sweetness,
Time to time you have guided us rightly.

Your graceful light that falls on us
Through beauty of your creation and day,
And in the past deep silence of night,
At each moment we feel inner light,
Wisdom you give us as greatest wealth,
With great glory we accept your gift.

We have promised before you to serve,
Obeying your command and advice,
We are white angels on the top of mount,
Through deep meditation receiving grace,
Feeling your power we have charged ourselves,
Now we are marching ahead to transfer
Your message across the globe so far,
We ever surrender before you dear God,
Gaining ever greenness of success,
We swing in your eternal lap in wisdom.

© Kumarmani Mahakul,17 December 2018. All rights reserved.

We Swing In Your Eternal Lap
Monday, December 17, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: god,philosophical ,spiritual
Cover photo © Kumarmani Mahakul,17 October 2018. All rights reserved.
Edward Kofi Louis 17 September 2019

To serve! ! ! And to care. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Pushpendra Patel 04 March 2019

God's eternal lap is safer place fort us. We love to swing in his lap. God gives us wisdom and we feel his mercy. Swinging in his wisdom is our fortune. We love God very much. With love and hope we are growing with him. This is a great poem and you are a nice poet.

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Tom Allport 18 December 2018

A most beautiful write that will shine forever bright? .......wonderfully written Kumarmani

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Mihaela Pirjol 18 December 2018

This song of adoration to the Divine, has a spiritual and balsamic beauty that can only be found in your most spiritual poetry!

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Akham Nilabirdhwaja Singh 18 December 2018

Wisedom the greatest wealth given by the God.An excellent spiritual poem.

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Kumarmani Mahakul

Kumarmani Mahakul

Gandam, Dist-Deogarh, Odisha, INDIA
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