What Have I Done? Poem by David Longoria

What Have I Done?

Rating: 5.0

I sit in this chair
I pick up a gun
As I run my hand through my hair
I’ll sit here and cry
Remembering everything that happen is my fault
Wondering if im gone
Will everything be better?
I’ll grab a bullet
Put it in the gun
First I’ll say goodbye to everyone,
Then I’ll have to run
I hurt so many people
I let them all down
I be better if I end up in the ground
My body already feels cold
My lips are blue
I’ll pull the trigger
And make everything come true
I point to a spot
Where my death will be fast
So I’ll fall to the floor
As soon as my family comes in fast
I look back for one last glance
they zip me up in the black body bag.
I did this to ease my pain
I lost everything Instead of Gaining

Romeo Della Valle 21 October 2011

You are alone! We all learn the hard and painful ways how to survive and see the World through a magnifying glass! We eventually move on facing the Sun without going blind and once we successfully buried our pasts we then feel liberated! This is indeed a beautiful and well penned write! 10+++ Keep it up! Love and Peace for always! Romeo from New York City! ...

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Neko Girl 24 October 2011

you are never alone not when you have people near you tht you may not even now yet that care about you. you cant just give up ur life i want tp do that so any times in my own life but i never have the brains to do tht so keep your head up and you will be just fine

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H - K 25 October 2011

Wow this is amazing, great rhyming, and strong emotions.

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Emily Krueger 26 October 2011

Wow. This has alot of emotions. I love the fact that you made it rhyme and put so much emotion into it. Nice write

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*BleedingHeart* *Arielle* 02 November 2011

wow this is sooo great that it made me cry amazing breath taking wonderful just amazing

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Brenda Schneidt 04 May 2012

this is a really said poem it made me cry and i feel the someway you do and you are a awesome poem writer and i love it.

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Liliana Roman 19 March 2012

i could see you words and feel the regret. i like it. i hope this hard time comes to pass though and i am also glad that the gun hasn't been fired yet. better days await you david longoria. just you wait.

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Alex Lees 21 November 2011

Ahhh how sad: (i am so sorry you felt that way.

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Unwritten Soul 17 November 2011

We could do anything wrong we feel regret too...or sometimes the pain is beyond our mind can endure...but sure we can endure, but it just too pain in time...even leave a scar, somehow when we decide for something wrong could be it is another big mistake we took..i dont know what make you feel sad but sure ending the breathe is not solving anything and we just end it with the baddest way...there's always great reason for you to go and cheers..it just a moment of time when you feel time so hard, i believe you will pass it soon and find great time later.._Unwritten Soul

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Jinal Oswal 11 November 2011

Hi David, you have a wonderful way to express yourself.. Never under estimate your self.. Everyone in this world is unique.. No one can ever take your place.. God Bless You, Keep writing :)

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