What I'M Worth Poem by mona martinez

What I'M Worth

deep in my heart,
i hold what true,
everything you only wish you knew,
might come true,
just let me see what you hold,
deep in your heart,
and i tell you what you want to hear,
i don't play games,
in getting what i want,
because i know what i'm worth,
get to know me too,
and you see the things,
i don't show often,
let me know you can be trusted,
and you will go far,
break that trust,
and you would wish you didn't,
i go after what i want,
so don't play me like a fool,
just to try and make yourself look cool,
because it won't work,
in the end, you will get cut short,
only because i'm unique, real and loveable,
it really don't get any better than that.

faith Toy 08 June 2009

good good i like it.

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Saadat Tahir 29 May 2009

yup way to go... only because i'm unique, real and loveable, it really don't get any better than that. very nice line cheers

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Ejaz Khan 29 May 2009

Like the confidence, a nice poem.

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Joseph Poewhit 29 May 2009

There's always someone trying to get over

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