When Is It Ever Ready? Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

When Is It Ever Ready?

When is it ever ready...
For us to make up our minds,
It is time to get what we put off
To get something done?
When is it ever ready...
For us?

When is it ever ready...
To stop and wait.
For us to negotiate,
This is the moment...
That has arrived,
For us to get up and move?
Just to prove we can delay
Another day...
To make an excuse,
To collect with the other excuses...

When is it ever ready?
Time seems to never be!
It seems to do what it chooses without us!
To experience...
Or ignore completely.

As we sit to cuss its noncommitment.
Observing it as it cares less,
About how some of us waste it...
With more uselessness!
To eventually confess.

When is it ever ready?
That is probably not a concern...
Nor a priority,
Or on its agenda.

Time is man made.
To set limits...
As if man allows 'it' to benefit,
And exist.
To put up with a man's nonsense.
Or a woman's.

Either way...
No one can say,
They have more of it...
Than anyone.
To just let it sit!
And ask of it...
If and When it is ever ready!

Edward Kofi Louis 19 February 2015

Nice piece of work. Thanks for sharing this poem with us. E.K.L.

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Ronald Stroman 19 July 2008

you the poet. tell us. which eye thnk u did. take care.

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