When You Come To See Off Poem by M. Asim Nehal

When You Come To See Off

Rating: 5.0

When I am gone, who will come to see
my lifeless form, lying peacefully?

Will it be those who loathed my name,
with hearts of stone and eyes of flame?

Or will it be those who held me dear,
with memories cherished and shed a tear?

Perhaps it will be those who thought me friend,
but in the end, our bond did bend.

My body, now just a mere shell,
will not reveal the answer to tell.

For only in death, can we truly see
the impact we've made, with our legacy.

Like a butterfly, I'll leave this world,
my soul unfurled, a story unfold.

Or like a rose, my petals will fall,
but my fragrance will linger, through it all.

So when I'm gone, and you come to see,
remember me, with love and empathy.

For in the end, it's not the hate or love,
but the memories I will leave shall rise above.

Monday, April 29, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: life,death
Terence George Craddock 30 April 2024

p1 an exquisite reflection upon life and the lifeless body, laid out in recent death in a peaceful passing, the value of a spent name; sometimes beautiful people incite rage in response demon souls 'with hearts of stone and eyes of flame',

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I wrote the poem 'Verdict Deeds Time Seal Departing Souls', inspired by the poem 'When You Come To See Off', by the poet M. Asim Nehal and dedicated to M. Asim Nehal.

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Terence George Craddock 30 April 2024

a beautiful poem contemplating the lifeless body laid to rest and various emotions of mourners, with contrast elements of nature and metaphor infused into the poem. I once wrote a poem 'Shed No Tears' about memories left after passing with similar elements but a differing perspective.

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I wrote the poem 'Lifeless Body Is Laid Out In Mourning Memories', inspired by the poem 'When You Come To See Off', by the poet M. Asim Nehal and dedicated to M. Asim Nehal.

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Sheeya Hacks 30 April 2024

I would trade all my best poems for this one. Liked it so much. TFS.

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Tihama Hykam 10 May 2024

I see a hint of philosophy in your poem, It tells us how desperate we are to know what happens after we are gone, but no one has ever turned back to see.....

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Juhaina Shiraz 02 May 2024

Marvellous poem, Too Good.

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Evelyn Judy Buehler 30 April 2024

Your poem of loving remembrance is elegantly written and touching.5 stars

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Sandra Feldman 30 April 2024

So sadly beautiful and poetically deep, an unforgettable poem that says so much and that in our hearts with deep admiration we will keep.

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Terence George Craddock 30 April 2024

p3 the final touchstone testament value of life is attesting to the stirring quality of impressions bequeathed, the warmth or cold felt enduring in lives we touched

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