Where are you?
Where are you?
Calls out this heart
Flying about in busy business
Letting your rose unattended wilt
Is it fair; ever fair your highness?
The busy bee it tangent flew
past the bunch of fresh roses
youth and freshness
Pervaded his nostrils
making him pause...........
But in this air conditioned room
No....no place....no space
Space for this romantic at heart! !
It was a meet of spirited spirits in quest....
Where the languor of the finer emotions?
Busier than bee! !
Busier than million ants.....In team venture
Had he any time for her? ?
The skies are fading into night
Heart is sagging
Loosing its battle with the Tears
Strong and steady spilling
To fill the space
To add chill to bones
Already with neglect left cold! !
Nice poem ms.Malini :) Kindly do away with those EXCLAMATION marks in the title - is my EARNEST REQUEST......... with very best wishes -shree
Heart is sagging Loosing its battle with the Tears ...walked along with you thru this familiar way......Brishti Mazumdar
The skies are fading into night Heart is sagging Loosing its battle with the Tears Strong and steady spilling To fill the space.. Facts of life.. in our busy life we loose so much. tony
Nothing can equal NATURE and naturalness. A great thought and nice expression. Congrats.
Very artfully elaborated the fading human emotion through beautiful metaphors. The worsening condition of a sagging heart indicates that how slowly but progressively time has started to deteriorate the liveliness of life..........10/10
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
despite the annoying attention grab of the exclamation marks used in the title, I found that I rather enjoyed this poem