Sameer Ahmed

Sameer Ahmed Poems

Flourishing on
Natural contours of land,
Variegating with rainbows,
A continuous river

Wake up!
From your unyielding prestige
That made you abortive
And you turned into a nefarious sculpt.

If I cry
Don't stop me
Let the rain of tears fall on ground
And moisten the soil

Sun beams
Reflect through
Cotton wool like remnants
Of departing clouds

I could see from the window
Light losing it's consciousness
With fading sunshine.
The green cheering rhythmically

The Little One arrives
From heavenly drives

The Little One says like hello

A magic ball
Concealed in the orbit
Though appears small
Spreads its sight

On this blessed land
Foundations of giant structures
Are laid over virgin landscapes
Blotting the antiquity

It's a simple White Coat, though,
We are so unique!
We go to the places
Where suffering lies

Shielding me
From vulnerability outside
By ethereal cloche
She enshrouds me

O' melody queen
Keep on whirring
And denting
Signature of a new day with your beak

Stars faded
And hegemony celebrated
By white light
On darkened land

In the kitchen I stood
It was in the hood
With the burning hob, may be,
I interrupted it's sleep

Falling in a disorderly pattern, they
Vertically leap and glance
Strike the ground
Jump and dance

We come into being
And open our eyes
With a storyless book
As a prologue to the world

In comes Summer
Days prolong
Sun blazes with full glow
Hot breeze scorches the vegetation


Leaving all the worries
With no hurries
Arms on eachother's back
On a Bohemian track


Vitality consumed
Body feels droopy
It is a mind seizure
Makes you loopy.

Planted weeks ago
At the onset of spring
The seasonal sapling

In stillness stand all buttercups.
The earthen moments graze the pre-healed leaf.
Their veins bound in the hide and seek
Of dawn and dusk - The leaflets

The Best Poem Of Sameer Ahmed

An Ocean Within (A Poem For My Father, Poet Naseer Ahmed Nasir)

Flourishing on
Natural contours of land,
Variegating with rainbows,
A continuous river
Flows into his own depths,
An ocean within.
This wordsmith, creator
Of enduring friendship
Throughout the seasons
With insects and birds,
Foliage and flowers, his co-creators
Famed among the constellations.
He - an Alpha Arietis - shines
With his art, evergreen.

Nostalgic melodies
Moisten his eyes.
The smile of a child
Makes him burst into laughter.
He soaks up
The sorrows unsaid
And faces unread.
A self-contained emotinal being.
He puts his signature
On the tablet of wind
Whispering through apertures
Of doors, of cores.
Spreading the magic of affection,
Erasing hatreds from
The slates of mind
And healing wounds
With his balmy libretto,
He consoles the heart.

Though a maverick in
The herds of social climbers,
His deep silence evokes
Wise thoughts.
A translucent rain
Wiping the mist of pain,
He grows
The creepers of camaraderie
In his poetry yards.

His ailing heart,
Varicose legs,
Olden heels
And clay bound feet,
All laborious episodes of
A lifetime drama serial.
Opening new ways
Between conscious and subconscious
My mentor,
Even with increasing age
Holds a bundle of dreams
For me, for all
Death's arrow is aiming at him - He knows
But, still inscribing
The lively poem of existence
By camouflaging himself in words
beautiful and strong.
I know, he will live
And live long.

Sameer Ahmed Comments

loveg 20 August 2020

Your Poem 'An Ocean Within ' in respect of your father, shows the insight of his life along with your worries about old age quite nicely. Your narration that he still has dreams shows the lively spirit within him and the journey he has been through and will surely carry on> > > > > .jbbztip ******

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loveg 17 August 2020

Your Poem 'An Ocean Within ' in respect of your father, shows the insight of his life along with your worries about old age quite nicely. Your narration that he still has dreams shows the lively spirit within him and the journey he has been through and will surely carry on.jobztip

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Narender Singh Bansal 05 August 2009

Your Poem 'An Ocean Within ' in respect of your father, shows the insight of his life along with your worries about old age quite nicely. Your narration that he still has dreams shows the lively spirit within him and the journey he has been through and will surely carry on.

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Ana Sanchez 04 August 2009

Sameer, this poem brings tears to my well put and inspiring. its like i feel your strong gesture to ur father...he is your back bone and therefore..u needed to create something for him..I'm sure he is proud of a talented poet..Congrats my friend

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Amira Amin 31 March 2009

WAKE UP.Its a wonderful piece AMIRA

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