Whiners Poem by Sarah Sisson


Rating: 4.0

His persistent inquires turn my lips thin.
I'll get to the promises made, I will when....

....I'm ready too not before a sooner time
will I get rushed feel pursued nose to the grind.

I will fulfill commitments; do what I'll say
but once in a while I have to stand, say 'hey! ...

...just wait a sec, sit down and give me your ear.
I'm not done with my things, I'm not done, not near.

So sit and relax with your taken number.
You are after him and you're just after her.

I'll get to you most promptly lest I forget.
And in that case I in advance do regret...

...that you may just have to wait. I've not for you
the time or the energy to see you through'

Now all of that said with my stress and some hair...
...standing up on my neck because I do dare....

...to tell you how it is and how I will be
when multiple whining people attack me.

copyrightr 12-24-2008 ©® Sarah Sisson

Indira Babbellapati 24 December 2008

sarah, somehow i fail to catch up with the emotion expressed. can you help me?

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Donall Dempsey 24 December 2008

Whinners is a winner...I love the way the rhyme drags you in and carries you along with all the lovely driftwood that this particular river of thought floods the mind with. love Donall Donall

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Scott Austin 24 December 2008

You must work in the tax collector’s office….lol No, wait maybe a doctor’s office…lol Really enjoyed the read it gave me a laugh and a smile but I will not be that whiner to you at all…may your heart be at peace this holiday season. Scott

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Jessica Rose 24 December 2008

hehe. i like it. it can be annoying when people want stuff from you constantly. ^-^ Jess xx

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Shakira Johnson 27 December 2008

This is a great poem. I like your style.

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Maxim Muyu 24 December 2008

This is a lovely write, it's very unique with new style on love.

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Edward Kofi Louis 24 December 2008

Abstracted thin lips of love and, 'Whinners' will lead you on so sweet.A very nice piece of work.Thank you. Edward Kofi Louis.

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Mark Nwagwu 24 December 2008

How true! I've neither the time nor the energy to see you through.' How I wish more people said this to all those 'whinners'. A lovely piece of writing. Merry Christmas (Mark -never a whinner)

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Stephen Joseph 24 December 2008

Sarah, Please check your spelling. I think it is spelled 'whiners' with a single 'n' and also 'once' is misspelled. the poem is too abstract for me...I can't understand it. Stephen from Bangalore, India

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