Whole Lifetimes Poem by Eric Cockrell

Whole Lifetimes

Rating: 3.0

we travel whole lifetimes
through the mud and the mire;
struggling, fighting, loving,
dreaming, believing against all doubt...
to find our brothers and sisters
lost in the passings,
in the comings and goings,
of birth and death...
to find the face of our mother,
in lands foreign and strange.
to do the work of our father
in the ruins of our shame...
to know each other,
the scents familiar;
and hear the sound of our own hearts
beating in another's return!
we travel whole lifetimes,
on this journey together!

for Dave, Terence, Smoky, Patti,
Valerie, Juan, Robert, Veeraiyah,
Romeo, Rajendran, and all the other
poets who tend this fire..

Ace Of Black Hearts 26 April 2012

And it's a fire that continuously needs tending. A great poem to all poets. In silence nothing would be ever known. If you have a voice you should always express it and be heard. To abandon it is quite absurd. Thank you for this poem. It reminds me that when I write poetry I might helping somebody. And then it is not in vain. Sincerely AOBH

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Hans Vr 26 April 2012

The travel of a lifetime. Whereever we travel, we will encounter the face of our mother. So beautifully expressed. The good values in the whole world are similar and they are as unchangeable as the law of gravity

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