Will You Cry For Me When I Die? Poem by Richard Wlodarski

Will You Cry For Me When I Die?

Rating: 5.0

Will you cry for me when I die
After all I was your big cry?

Will you see light within me
Look past dark reality?

Will you shed a tear or two
For son who wasn't so damn true?

Will you listen to lies 'bout me
And scream for your damn sanity?

Friday, May 11, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: death,love and dreams,love and friendship,love and life,mother
Daniel Brick 13 May 2018

Your poem takes no prisoners. It's total cry from the heart. Wagner dramatized this vividly in Tristan's Delirium in Act III of TRISTAN UND ISOLDE. After 40 minutes of the most anguished singing, Tristan has a consoling vision of his beloved as a healer and sings softly and slowly, Isolde, wo bist du schon. (Isolde, how beautiful you are.) And the words and music redeem all the suffering.

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Daniel, I love the dramatic flair of your responses! Your last line says it all! Thank you so much!

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Carl Roussell 12 May 2018

Remembering someone can be so confusing; the good and bad, real an imagined. The last two lines say it all, Will you listen to lies 'bout me And scream for your sanity?

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It's especially true with famous people like Kerouac. Thank you so much, Carl!

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Nudershada Cabanes 11 May 2018

Death can bring deep emotions into the surface and make us realize our mortality. A mother's love is the truest of all and no matter how many times one make mistakes she is always ready to forgive.10

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So very true, Nudershada! Thank you so much for reading and commenting. And for the 10.

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