Wintering Poem by Daniel Brick


Rating: 5.0

The crunch of hardened snow.
A mouthful of icy air, everybody's
breath visible in swirling clouds.
Head down, into the wind, cuts
like broken glass. Deer reported starving.
How do sparrows endure all winter,
perched side by side, huddling?

So many things are marked for departure,
but instead they linger, stay where there is
no comfort, where everybody covets their warmth,
nothing extra available. Just remember the starving
deer and you'll get the whole picture of wintering.
And then you must abide the time, it's frozen too.

Balancing your heavy body with flapping arms,
you attempt a winter walk. It's a good idea
gone bad. Blame the weather, the rest of us do.
There are no feelings here to be hurt. Remember
the face of Janus, the doubled-faced god staring
into two time zones with no emotion, hard as ice,

cold as snow, no friend to men and women, just
a guardian of winter, a time-keeper whose
cold gaze sees neither beauty nor wonder,
only duration from solstice to equinox.
So many other things marked for departure
have fled, but you chose to remain,

winter after winter, you endure, you prevail
in this cul de sac. There must be some deep
sense of beauty in your soul which rises
every December and embraces this frigid season.
It is not warmth that rises to flood your being,
it is a sense of belonging to this land in every season.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: nature,winter
Nika Mcguin 02 February 2018

Nice! I love the message here, we may not like every season, but we prevail and endure. It reminds us that we are akin to the earth and its changes. In that, we are no different from the other animals in our environment, just trying to make it through the winter.

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Daniel 02 February 2018

You got my message in this poem, Nika. Wintering means getting through the seasonal hardships but also appreciating each season for its own sake. That's how we affirm WE ARE OF THE EARTH. You write a poem called EARTHLING several years back that I liked because it showed our earth-bond.

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Bharati Nayak 05 January 2018

winter after winter, you endure, you prevail in this cul de sac. There must be some deep sense of beauty in your soul which rises every December and embraces this frigid season. It is not warmth that rises to flood your being, it is a sense of belonging to this land in every season. - - - -There must be some deep sense of beauty in soul that prevails and rises every December to embrace frigid season.

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Daniel Brick 05 January 2018

Winter is so much a part of our reality in Minnesota I wanted to embrace it truthfully but also lovingly in this poem. I'm glad I could share my world with you.

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Susan Williams 03 January 2018

The voting box keeps rejecting my attempt to give you a 10.... I shall try again while I'm on PH today until it works or I explode

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Susan Williams 04 January 2018

AARG! ! ! Now I'm on a mission. I am going to try everyday to give this a 10 until they finally accept my vote and stop sending me off to Log In every time I try to vote.

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Susan Williams 03 January 2018

Part 2- - - by any ancient or present-day writer about mythology as well as a philosophical discussion about the harsh beauty of winter and how it draws the soul.... Whew! That poem traveled and the journey was so full of truths and images that I feel like you took me on quite a journey! ! ! 10++++++++++++ and an honored place on my fav list

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Nudershada Cabanes 03 January 2018

A beautiful poem on winter season. Superb write.10

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