You said 'I'll love you to eternity'
and gently bit my lips with a kiss.
It looked like the twilight tore away the darkness…
…the world seemed more beautiful after this.
I love this poem so much, not for the brevity alone buh moreso the message it conveys with words piercing through the heart like cupid's arrow.and ur stanzas' choice of 4 lines, to me is symbolical of LOVE.
I'll echo what Arkay says, less is more, and this is quite a lot. it has great texture and leaves an impact. I keep rereading it again, and it seems to have different meanings. Which for me is a true work of art.
hi this is lovely poem of immense romance, am remainded of the phrase, 'less is more' while reading this poem, , so much said in so less words, , , and the right words are at the right place, , the poem is so very compact in its texture and hence a beauty of a poem, thanx
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
this is so beautiful, so simple yet, it takes my breath away... LOve this one! ; -) -Kelly