You And I Poem by Besa Dede

You And I

Rating: 4.5

You said 'I'll love you to eternity'
and gently bit my lips with a kiss.
It looked like the twilight tore away the darkness…
…the world seemed more beautiful after this.

Kelly Seale 01 September 2012

this is so beautiful, so simple yet, it takes my breath away... LOve this one! ; -) -Kelly

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Kali Abyss 09 April 2012

Short and lovely, so nice =)

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Clinton Ekeh 12 March 2012

I love this poem so much, not for the brevity alone buh moreso the message it conveys with words piercing through the heart like cupid's arrow.and ur stanzas' choice of 4 lines, to me is symbolical of LOVE.

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Kevin Patrick 02 March 2012

I'll echo what Arkay says, less is more, and this is quite a lot. it has great texture and leaves an impact. I keep rereading it again, and it seems to have different meanings. Which for me is a true work of art.

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R.k Das 01 March 2012

hi this is lovely poem of immense romance, am remainded of the phrase, 'less is more' while reading this poem, , so much said in so less words, , , and the right words are at the right place, , the poem is so very compact in its texture and hence a beauty of a poem, thanx

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