Randy McClave Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Bad Dream

Last night I had a bad dream
Because of it I wanted to scream,
Later I said a prayer
Because, I had myself a nightmare.

Just Communicate

If I hurt your feelings, make me aware
Don't just sit and look and stare,
Please, please let me know what I have done
So, I can apologize unto you and every one.

We Are Here

We are still here
She spoke without fear,
And also with pride, as she cried
When others wanted her people to disappear.

Counterfeit Christian

Listen, listen, all sisters and brothers
Listen, listen, all fathers and mothers,
Don't listen when the priests or pastors as they preach
When false doctrine they do teach.

When You Call Yourself A Christian

Your smile does always glisten
When you call yourself a devout Christian,
Especially when you go to church
And on the pew you perch.

It's Now 2024

It is now 2024
On 2023 I have closed the door,
It's now just memories of that past time
Unto them I had sang Auld Lang Syne.

My Scars

I am not the scars
That you might know and see,
They are not all mine they are ours
They were all given to me.

Not A Christian Country

You say that you and your country follows Jesus
And how he frees everyone of us,
And that you live in a great Christian country
Surrounded by beautiful, God given land, mountains and sea.


The first lie that you tell
It was created by the Devil in hell,
He is the author of every lie ever spoken
When truths are broken.

True Worth

I noticed someone falling behind
Unto them I knew that I needed to be kind,
So, I started walking a little bit slower
Then to the side I then moved over.

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