Sonya Florentino Poems

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# # A Sudden Turn (With Haiku Version - My Very First!)

A SUDDEN TURN (original version)

a fish darts forward

# # Meet Me By The River (The Rendezvous)

Meet me by the river tonight
Just you and me under the pale moonlight
I promise you I won’t be afraid
of the dark

# # Give A Child (My First Senryu)

Give a child a stick
Watch her create magic, there!
in front of your eyes

# # Enigma (On The Poet Ms. P. Masterman)

I thought I saw a glimpse of her
As she zoomed around the bend
I swear I saw her wink and smile
But I could be mistaken

# # # Lament In Silence

I could have moved him

If he could hear how loud

By The Second Line

The drawing came back
Like a second line of a poem
My throat grew tight, chills
ran down my spine

# # # The Scream (Inspired By The Famous Painting)

The air is thick with silence
The emptiness deafens
My mouth gasps open
but echoes nothingness

# # Cradle

Why must it be like slivers, like crumbs
Why can't I hold anything in my hands
Why does it feel like accidents, like chance
Why must everything slip away like sand

# Alter Ego

She’s larger-than-life
She’s bolder
She takes more risks
She’s wilder

# Barely Writing

Oh my god
Why am I doing this
Writing poetry
And giving away

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