Terry Donovan

Terry Donovan Poems

Once upon a time I'm told
When strange things happened in the world of old
An extraordinary meeting took place
Of dogs from all round the global face.

He walked away into the night,
His knuckles swollen from the fight,
A smile beneath his swollen eye,
Much satisfaction in his sigh.

When I walk ankle-deep in autumn leaves,
Head down and collar up against the rain,

A sixties sight I always liked to see,
Those British motorbikes parked side by side
While bikers packed inside the Busy Bee,
The rendezvous of everybody's ride.

Come, take my hand and let us walk awhile,
Away from all the hustle-bustle here,
Let's talk and walk a quiet country mile
To where the air and what we think is clear.


I saw an angel with a broken wing
I saw an angel cry
I mended it with bits of string
And told her she could fly.

I picture in my mind my ideal girl,
I picture in my mind the girl for me,
The sort that ought to set my heart awhirl
The sort that ought to set my spirits free.

The best of friends are those you never meet

Single Dad

The kids grew up without a mum around,
I had to play a double roll instead;

The Oxfam Shop book section
Had the usual array,
Ancient road maps, Jeffrey Archer,
Three copies of the Guinness Book of Records

When Cuthbert was cremated she was sad
But taking home his ashes she was glad
For in a way she'd always have him there
His company forever she would share.

Who heals the healer?
Who understands
That even with her healing hands
She's only human after all

The sun's gone down, the day is done,
Now go to sleep, my little one.

The dandelions, grass and borders wild,
Thistles, nettles, teasels, golden rod,


They bought a big red motorbike,
Italian and quite dear
And had it fitted at the shop
With colour-matching gear.

Our Sammy's had an accident,
His condition's touch and go,
Run over by a steam roller
(He always was so slow) .

There's a little railway station
In the countryside near here
And a little old steam engine
Stops there just one day each year

Today I cried,
But no-one knew.
With none to love
And friends so few,

I had a tiny seed of doubt,
I laughed at first, it's true
I even tried to spit it out
But couldn't and it grew.

Sleep tight, fair maid, forget the world and rest,
The time to put the day behind is now.
Let moonbeams dance upon your troubled breast
And angels smooth the furrows from your brow.

Terry Donovan Biography

Amateur poet. Motorcyclist. Retired.)

The Best Poem Of Terry Donovan

Why Dogs Always Smell Each Others' Bums

Once upon a time I'm told
When strange things happened in the world of old
An extraordinary meeting took place
Of dogs from all round the global face.
They all met somewhere near the Golan heights
For a conference on doggy rights.
It took place in a massive hall
Cos anything less would be too small.
As they went in, every dog and pup
took off its coat and hung it up
Then when the conference was over
All the dogs (there were loads called Rover)
Piled outside in lengthy queues
And they couldn't sort out whose coat was whose.
In utter confusion, they all got mixed
And couldn't get the matter fixed,
So each grabbed a coat and made for the door,
Wearing the one which was closest at paw
And, rather than make an almighty stir
They all ended up in another's fir.
Now every time you see dogs meet
Or even passing in the street.
You'll see them have a good old smell
Cos that's the only way they can tell
If its their coat that the other's got.
You may believe this tail or not,
They're only seeking what they treasure
They don't go sniffing bums for pleasure
They want their coats whoever's got 'em
And they can only start at the bottom.
But if they can't find them, that's too tough -
Justice in the world of dogs is ruff.

Terry Donovan Comments

Sofia P 13 May 2004

Your writting gives me a strong sense of a monologue... I don't know if it's done on purpose, but it's very unique. A poem that feels like a conversation...

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Michael Shepherd 04 August 2006

Terry Donovan is one of the treasures of Poemhunter, and I think I speak for all readers. A humourist with style and humanity. May your bike run smoothly on a full tank.

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James Grengs 20 October 2004

Terry, I just happened to see a new poem of yours, and I read it. After I'd read the one, I had to read a couple more of them- they're awesome! You have a special style about your poetry that really draws the reader in. -James

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Tammy Natoli 28 May 2004

I loved this so much Terry! It hit so close to home for me. My heart skipped a beat! I love reading you!

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Tammy Natoli 18 May 2004

Hi Terry! Excellent. Not that I am a critic. Great read!

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Anong All 14 May 2004

Hello to you...Terry Donovan, .....i was shuffling through., me own pages...Then returned home. Noticed the title of your poem.., it drew me in... .....i'am glad..it did...Your poem, felt wonderful...to read.

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