You look to your Minister’s, your Pastors, your Priests.
You believe these people bring the word of God to you
and in fact they do for they read from the Bible I ask you.
“is that the only place where the word of God comes
from, do we put all the owness on this Holy book. Can
we look in this wonderfully written book and find all
the answers. Take this scenario- my debts are so high,
I just don’t know what to do. Can I take out the Holy
Book and find the answer to my question, is there a
quick fix in the Holy book. Well maybe there is and I
just don’t know how to use the index. I know I can’t
find anything under debt. Of course you won’t find a
quick fix but the teachings are probably there. I don’t
know I’ve never been able to actually read the whole
book just parts of it and I do have my favorite parts.
I’m not trying to take anything away from this
wonderfully written masterful book. This book is
full of knowledge and I for one still have a lot of
learning to do. Let’s remember, the Bible was
not written by God, no it was written by men, if I’m
wrong please correct me. I believe it was written by
men inspired by God. I just thought of something, did
women play any part in the writing of this book, I don’t
think so, I wonder why. If they weren’t involved in helping
to create this book then can women be messengers sent by
God. Is it possible that because women were not portrayed
In the writing of this book that they actually could not be
Taken seriously as people. Were they just there to bare children.
I wonder if this is where the men found their reasoning years
later when women were not allowed to vote. Is it possible
that the motive for their reasoning came from the teachings
in the Bible- a misconception of course.
Do we stereotype Angels as being women, and only men
could be messengers from God, after all only men were
involved in the writing of the Holy Book. Personally I believe
Angels are men or women and anyone could be a messenger.
I believe a messenger can be a young child, a teenager,
an adult, a homeless person. Yes anyone that has an
open heart, believes in God and loves his son Jesus.
You know it’s very basic really-
- you either love Jesus or you don’t. There’s an
old saying, “The Lord works in mysterious ways”. I’ve
seen that many times over and over again. There are no
coincidences people, none at all. It’s all the work of God,
that’s how he works, in mysterious ways. Keep your eyes
open and hear with your inner ears, let him in and he
will talk to you often. He sends us all messages and
sometimes through people that you would least expect it Being filled with the holy spirit is tremendous and it
truly is a gift from God. When he chooses you to be one of
his messengers you may not know but you will deliver some
very important messages to sometimes people you don’t
know. Many will know who you are, they won’t be able
to define it, but they will see the goodness in your eyes or
your words. Allow the Lord to enter and be a vessel to
bring forth teachings and inspiration to those in need.
Don’t ever stop reading the- Bible - realize it is a
guide to help teach you and make you the best person
you can be. The most important thing is to listen to
the whispers of the Lord, he talks to you in ways you
can not imagine, listen to him, hear what he has to say.
When something in your mind says stop, look around
you, do it and be aware, it is the Lord speaking to you.
You won’t hear loud voices telling you what to do or
giving you terrible instructions, if that happens, we all
know who’s behind that and it isn’t God is it. I won’t
give him the satisfaction of mentioning his name in this
particular writing today. His name does not belong here
in this piece, not today.
Sometimes the most minute thing can be a message from
God, it can come in the soft touch of one’s hand, a nod
indicating it’s OK, a serene smile from a beautiful face
across a crowded room, a stranger at a bus stop. When you
ask the Lord for something, know he will answer in his
time and sometimes that is right away. One might walk out
the door and find the answer they were looking for.
There are times my prayers are answered before I pray, now
I ask you is that possible, I don’t know, all I know is I
thought about praying and didn’t quite get to it and there
you go I received what I was going to pray for. Does this
put me more in touch with the Lord, possibly, who’s to say
no. Oh I do know some that would beg to differ with me.
that would be some of my great Christian friends that like
to judge, those wonderful Christian friends with the pretty
hats and fancy clothes, all decked out on Sunday morning,
oh yes the same Christian friends I see hiding behind sun-
glasses in places where they say it is wrong to go, uh huh
those friends that look at the homeless with disgust, that’s
right the same Christian friends that have never had any-
one of a different race in their home and would never
feel comfortable doing so, my would it be the same
Christian friend that stood behind someone at the supermarket
who couldn’t find enough change in their purse, who did not
offer help or would it be that wonderful Christian musician
singing and praising the Lord who didn’t have time to give
inspiration to the young teenage boy who cried out for help
yes and oh could it be the Christian man who spent many
years in jail and then found the Lord, but also didn’t have
time to witness when a young person was crying out for
help. Don’t get me going, I could go on and on about so
called good Christians. They speak as my sisters and brothers
from the native culture say “with false tongue”. Beware of
people that wear this label, look for the true Christian, they
are quite visible. Take a look in their eyes, you will find them.
The messages are there and they come from people you
would least expect. Don’t look to the false Christian, look
at those so called normal people around you, they are better
Christians sometimes that the ones who proclaim to be
Christians. Be aware of what labels you wear also, last week
someone referred to me as being a religious woman,
that is not at all true. I have no idea what that means to be
a religious person, I believe it’s someone who goes to church
every Sunday, lives by the word or tries to, a very strict
probably no fun type of person, someone who doesn’t drink,
doesn’t smoke, do drugs, have sex, doesn’t swear, wouldn’t
say s—t if they had a mouthful, you know that sort of person
I guess. Well I fall into some of that, but still I don’t consider
myself to be a religious person. I do know this, I have many
gifts from God and one of them is at times, I’m totally taken
over and filled with the Holy Spirit, it’s a little difficult to
explain, I’ve explained it in other writings of mine. Because
of this joy that’s been given me, it allows me to call myself
spiritual. I’m just an ordinary person, I still do things that
would be considered wrong in the eyes of the religious
person or that false Christian I spoke of previously. I know
if God is really upset with what I’m doing, he will definitely
find a way of letting me know and I will hear what he has
to say, of this I’m certain. So, no I’m not religious, and
yes I’m a spiritual person and loving every moment of it.
Could I be a messenger, it is possible and I believe you can
be a messenger too. Who says we can’t, I ask you- who?
listen to the whispers, listen only to what God says,
After all “God is your King”.
Please understand everything voiced in this writing is
my opinion only. If there is only one thing that benefits you
in this writing, then take it and discard the rest. I would also
like to note that there are many true Christians in this world,
the Christian I spoke of in this writing is a false Christian. I
Just wanted to point that out. I have a great deal of respect
for the real Christian people. They are people who work for
the Lord continually day by day and we must thank God for
Written: June 13,2007
Melvina, this piece, speech or not shows a depth. Very insightful. You are a messenger of God. How else could this outstanding piece be delivered but through his words and then to your pen. Well done.
Mel, I totally agree with you wholehearted that there are messengers of God out there, men and women. The strangers who out stretch a hand of unconditional love and friendship when it is needed and then go on their way. Ordinary people whom you would least expect. A powerful message written here. I hope that many will take the extra time to read it all the way through. Thank you for sharing it my friend. David
Melvina, Thank you so much for your comment about my poem. I've read only one other by you (the one about the Sea) , and found it beautiful. This is more an essay, to me, but it doesn't detract from the wonderful truths here. Who is God's messenger? Who is not God's messenger. In the days when men ruled society, God said with a sigh, 'We'll let these males write the Bible' He inspired women to write too, but the men scolded them for doing so, and God sighed some more. What could he do? He can make anything happen, but we have free will to reject it, so it takes Him time to make the more difficult things happen. It took him centuries before he could get his words on paper through women, give them the vote, and make them president's of large nations. Thanks again, Marc
Well never cease to amaze me....again I had to journey through this speech and loved every minute of it.....And yes I came away with many things...some my own feeling grounddr by your words......some new refreshing ones taken up.....and some I needed to hear softly spoken are cut to chase..... I needed that....thanks for sharing my friend...hugs jojo
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Here! Here! Melvina this is a write and a half. What a wonderful momentum you have managed to keep with this speech. I am with you 100 per cent. I have also met these supposedly 'Christians' who think they are the chosen few. I also have a deep belief, I do not condemn or judge, dictate or ignore. I have also had spiritual feelings, great feelings of peace and a belief in a better life to come. Thank you so much for writing this, it mirrors my own thoughts, Love and hugs Ernestine XXX