A Chinese Proverb And My Thought Poem by Savita Tyagi

A Chinese Proverb And My Thought

Rating: 4.8

A friend wrote a Chinese proverb,
Said 'she strongly believes in it.'

"An invisible thread connects those
Who are destined to meet regardless
Of time, place or circumstance.
The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break."
(A Chinese proverb)

My instant reply:

An invisible thread connects us
Even with those we are
Never destined to meet.

Her answer 'Hmm never thought of it"
My thought ' shouldn't we be thinking of it.'

Monday, February 11, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: reflections
Dr Dillip K Swain 21 July 2019

I strongly believe that we are connected through a sublime invisible thread! A great proverb rightly put into perspective though reflections! Many congratulations for this magnificent short poem being selected as Poem of the Day!

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Jasbir Chatterjee 21 July 2019

John Donne also wrote, No man is an island/Entire of itself..." Congrats on being Poet of the Day!

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Many many congratulations dear poetess. In the long journey of life it is possible that people though living in different parts of the globe, may come in contact or perhaps meet because of the invisible thread that is there connecting them already. Many of us call it destiny. The proverb has insightfully been said. And you have really put it in renewed energy

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Fabrizio Frosini 21 July 2019

''An invisible thread'' - sort of 'poetic entanglement', about which not even quantum physics may give us some help to get directions :) Yes, maybe it's all about 'destiny' - whatever such a term means. Congrats, dear Savita

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Jane Campion 21 July 2019

Excellent poem of reversal. Clever. A poem deserving full prominence.

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Rob Lamberton 13 January 2023

…and maybe it's not so invisible! Thank you for illuminating!

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Savita Tyagi 06 October 2021

Thank you so much dear poets for all your wonderful comments and appreciation.

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Those who keep the tread unbroken are great humanists!

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Dr. Antony Theodore 25 January 2021

An invisible thread connects us Even with those we are Never destined to meet. your thoughts on the Chinese Proverb is true....... tony

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Dr. Antony Theodore 03 January 2021

'An invisible thread connects those Who are destined to meet regardless Of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break.' Sooo true....... dear poetess SAvita. tony

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