The hills hang woods around, where green, below
Dark, breezy boughs of beech-trees, mats the moss,
Crisp with the brittle hulls of last year's nuts;
The water hums one bar there; and a glow
Of gold lies steady where the trailers toss
Red, bugled blossoms and a rock abuts;
In spots the wild-phlox and oxalis grow
Where beech-roots bulge the loam, protrude across
The grass-grown road and roll it into ruts.
And where the sumach brakes grow dusk and dense,
Among the rocks, great yellow violets,
Blue-bells and wind-flowers bloom; the agaric
In dampness crowds; a Fungus, thick, intense
With gold and crimson and wax-white, that sets
The May-apples along the terraced creek
At bold defiance. Where the old rail-fence
Divides the hollow, there the bee-bird whets
His bill, and there the elder hedge is thick.
No one can miss it; for two cat-birds nest,
Calling all morning, in the trumpet-vine;
And there at noon the pewee sits and floats
A woodland welcome; and his very best
At eve the red-bird sings, as if to sign
The record of its loveliness with notes.
At night the moon stoops over it to rest,
And unreluctant stars. Where waters shine
There runs a whisper as of wind-swept oats.
The red-bird sings! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.
.............a beautiful write with excellent imagery of nature ★ No one can miss it; for two cat-birds nest, Calling all morning, in the trumpet-vine; And there at noon the pewee sits and floats A woodland welcome; and his very best At eve the red-bird sings, as if to sign The record of its loveliness with notes.
Simply awesome narration of the marvels of nature sprinkled in the scenario making it all the more beautiful and magnanimous. A well deservd classic poem of the day.
the forest and many feelings mixtured up here with exquisite imagery.... great poem shared.... enjoyable.....
At night the moon stoops over it to rest, And unreluctant stars. Where waters shine There runs a whisper as of wind-swept oats. very nice poem. tony
Hills, woods, hedges, clourful flowers, birds music and all nicely depicted as beautiful picture to muse over in blissful peace, the Poet has created wonder as the night stars iwinkling with soft wind caressing! Thanks for sharing this Poem here!
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Beautiful painting of woodlands from a Master!