A simple act of kindness
can stop a million tears.
A little hug
can give so much joy.
A letter now and then to someone
can save so many wasted years.
We should hold every moment precious
and help as many as we can
with a simple act of kindness
every now and then.
The world would be a better place
if we all cared a little more.
Imagine how many smiling faces
would greet us at the door
if we extended that helping hand
with a simple act of kindness
that could spread across many lands.
6 March 2009
wow! so true I think this shows how to be kind in the community!
A simple act of kindness can change the whole world. A true motivational poem. People need to understand such words of kindness in true spirit. Beautiful, David. Best Regards. Naseer
Our next question then should be how and when can I help? Then we must act! True? David this is a beautiful poem again by you, love makes the world a better place, there is no doubt about that You have spread some of that special feeling amongest us here Thankyou for such kindness and wisdom shown Take care Love duncan X
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
whasup gamers!