Absence Poem by Mihaela Pirjol


Rating: 4.8

To know you exist:
It is motive for my existence.
To hear a sign, a song from you,
Every morning, as soon as I wake up:
It is a motive to carry on living the day,
With what may come—I can endure.

Your song rises with the sunrise—so I rise
And smile, and I cry for a while, and I smile again;
For I am alive—we are both alive.
Most of the time, it suffices…
Do I not live through you?
Are you not all my thoughts, my feelings,
My emotions?

For if you were constantly with me,
I would have lost myself completely in you,
And I could have not distinguish it from yourself;
Thus in absence, we have the chance
To know the other half, without immersing
In the amalgam of us two:
Thus, we keep a part of ourselves
For ourselves.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: memories,nostalgia,songs,absence,love,melancholy
Rajesh Thankappan 29 May 2016

If absence compliments love and affection and also promotes individuality which in turn converges, I would say that would be the icing on the cake. A beautiful write that set me thinking.

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Edward Kofi Louis 25 May 2016

To carry on in life! Nice work.

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Hazel Durham 24 May 2016

To love so much is to lose oneself in your loved one like a merging of identities into one, it is beautiful but frightening! Absence gives you space to find yourself and to still love your loved one with a greater zest and openness to embrace life together! Beautiful write!

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Terry Craddock 19 May 2016

loved the line 'Your song rises with the sunrise —so I rise' and the lines 'Don't I live through you? Are you not all my thoughts, my feelings, My emotions? ' loved the poem and lines like 'In the amalgam of us two' which fills the absence I voted 10 my friend, take care always

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