Albert Einstein 59 - anti- Semitism Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Albert Einstein 59 - anti- Semitism

Rating: 4.5

The period of Dr. Albert Einstein's life in Berlin
Were the most happening, fruitful and creative years!
When the Eclipse expedition of 1919 was broadcasted,
Overnight, Einstein's popularity catapulted to a high level.
He became a celebrity scientist of great value and merit!

But like in every life story of a great personality,
There is one side which reveals hard times of struggle,
Oppositions, condemnation and rivalry!
Dr. Einstein was attacked for being a Jew,
The anti-Semites reproached his work as ‘Jewish Science'!

At first, Dr. Einstein ignored these verbal attacks,
Harsh insinuations and outrageous criticism.
But when his dedicated work of ‘The Theory of Relativity'
Was attacked most unscrupulously,
He began to voice his opinion in public.

By late 1920's, the anti-Semitism in Germany increased,
Dr. Einstein called it as 'Anti Relativity Company'!
After he had delivered two lectures in Berlin Philharmonic Hall,
His rivals charged him with plagiarism and distributed
Anti-Semitic leaflets and Swastika labels, outside the hall.

Time had arrived to repudiate the attacks made on his theory.
Dr Einstein gave back his enemies and the trouble makers
By issuing a statement in the newspapers and in a lecture.
Such events created a bitter taste among physicists,
Einstein's fans were afraid that he would leave Germany for good!

A Biographical Poem

Saturday, September 18, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: life,true,science,conflict,personality
Here is a sincere attempt to write the biographical life and works of Dr. Albert Einstein. The journey of ‘The Relativity Theory' was presented and completed from Poems 51to 58. I am now continuing with Dr Einstein's life story, his work, his struggles and his achievements. This Chapter deals with Anti Semitism that the Jews faced during the world war period and thereafter. Dr. Einstein belonging to the Jewish Community was a target of Anti Semitism and had to face many attacks during his stay in Berlin. Reference books: " Albert Einstein - A Biography by Alice Calaprice & Trevor Lipscombe, Relativity' and the Internet sources as well. For detailed or further explanation of Albert Einstein's Research Papers on this topic, please read books published by Princeton University Press.1. ‘Albert Einstein - A biography' by Alice Calaprice & Trevor Lipscombe 2019.2. Collected Papers of Albert Einstein (CPAE) various editors and translators, Vol.1 to 9, Princeton, N.J, Princeton University Press.3. ‘Einstein's Miraculous Year' by Alice Calaprice and Sam Elworthy 4. Albert Einstein - New York, Viking. Dear Friends and Poets, Thank you for reading these poems on the life and work of Dr.Albert Einstein. I remain most grateful and thankful for your beautiful feedback and comments! Much obliged!
Anjandev Roy 10 November 2021

Prolific piece.....thank u dear poetess.

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Bri Edwards 21 August 2022

I just did some searching online for 'practical uses of relavity theories' and found these uses listed/suggested: GPS, solar cells, lasers. nuclear energy e.g. atomic bombs ...

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Bri Edwards 21 August 2022

So, is Mankind better off due to Enstein's work? Hmm? Back to the poem.

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Bri Edwards 21 August 2022

Does MY life story of a great personality, There is one side which reveals hard times of struggle,

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Bri Edwards 21 August 2022

Hey, come back here, comment! Does MY life story 'reveals hard times of struggle'? Yikes! ! ,

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Bri Edwards 21 August 2022

(cont.) , according to my online research, did not adhere closely to the Jewish religion and did on favor a Jewish state (Israel) .

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Bri Edwards 21 August 2022

It may have been anti-Semitism which Einstein was caught in, and he was born 'into' an Ashkenazi Jewish family, but he....

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Bri Edwards 21 August 2022

Thanks for the 'poem' and Poet's Notes, Geeta, aka TT. Are you working on a doctorate in Einstein studies? ?

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Bri Edwards 21 August 2022

(lost my comment) ..This 'A Biographical Poem' LOOKS, physically, like a poem, but, t'll say, instead, it's a nice essay. . 3 stars. : ) bri

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Bri Edwards 21 August 2022

[[ From the poem: 'Einstein's fans were afraid that he would leave Germany for good! ' ]] AND HE DID! ! bri : )

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