All About Me Poem by leticia starkey

All About Me

Rating: 4.8

when i was born
i really didn't know alot
as i got older i seemed to get bolder
but time marches on

i was taken away from my mom
when i was three
i wanted to climb up a tree
but time marches on

i was living with strangers
thinking about all the dangers
wanting to go home like role rangers
but time marches on

they no longer wanted me
so i was taken like a bee
asking why did it have to be me
but time marches on

Ever Loyal 12 April 2007

So is this really true? Tell me more about it. I would really like to know more about you if you don't mind

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Lungelo Mbatha 17 April 2007

Good writting, this....makes me wanna cry! ! ! CheerS! ! !

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Risha : Ahmed 17 May 2007

I am sorry. You had to go through so much at such young age. Love you.

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Etebom Ekpo 17 May 2007

it's life, it's what we can't understand but simply have to cope with what we see, a realistic poem, it specks emotion. good write

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Max Reif 20 May 2007

Dear Leticia, I like the fact that you have a refrain line in this poem, a line that does not rhyme.

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Paul Zywicke 23 May 2024

I will be your Family. Just give me a chance. Contact me. I miss you

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Rachel Pike 05 November 2008

Hola! i am really moved by all your poems. wow! ...Wow! you see i thought living with a parents who have split was hard but Wow that is touching.please reply i'd like to get to know you.

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Chan Jee 16 April 2008

i think you are dare and bold.i appreciate you.i like friendship with great girl. thanks bye

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Michael Smith 24 March 2008

wow im moved by your poetry....but also depressed nice one =]

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Sulaiman Mohd Yusof 08 March 2008

i was touching..........

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leticia starkey

leticia starkey

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