An Egg Related Poem Poem by Tom Billsborough

An Egg Related Poem

Rating: 3.5

Two eggs, one a large duck egg and his mate, a Chicken Egg, went into a bar. It was very busy so they had to scramble to get to the Counter.
'Hey, you two poachers, or what? ' growled a big guy, banging down his pint.
'No, we're both hard-boiled, and we'll sort you out, fatso, if you don't mind your lip.' cracked the Duck Egg, excitedly.
'Naw, you two's all yeller inside, ' laughed the big guy.
'Now then, ' interposed the Chicken Egg..'Don't go starting no trouble. His blood'll mess up your Shell Suit. It's the only one you've got.'
There followed the usual stand-off with fists waved etc but the big man went back to his mates at the table.
'Sure cooked his goose, ' he declared.
'Yeh, right, ' muttered his mates, winking at each other.
'It's your turn to shell out, ' said the Chicken Egg.
'Eggscuse me! ' I paid last time.'
'You pay? You must be yoking! You never pay, ' squeaked the Chicken Egg, as he called over the Bartender.
'Two pints of your best Ale, my man, ' the Chicken Egg cried.
'Er, fried we only serve Omelettes in here. Rules is Rules, ' replied
The Bartender.
Well, at this they both cracked up and were consequently served...
As Omelettes.
So everybody was eggstatic.
And the moral is: You can't use hard-boiled eggs as Omelettes. Whoops knew I'd blundered somewhere! Shall I start again?

Thursday, June 16, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: food
Bri Edwards 01 July 2016

'Er, fried we only serve Omelettes in here. Rules is Rules, .. .............. fried or friend? eggactly what do you mean? all in all, you hatched a good story. but you laid it on a bit thick. bri :)

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Tom Billsborough 10 July 2016

FRIED.. COCKNEY pronunciation of afraid.. You're right I did over-egg it a trifle. Eggscuse me! tom

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Tom Billsborough

Tom Billsborough

Preston Lancashire England
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