Animosities' Zoo Poem by Quin Faas

Animosities' Zoo

Rating: 5.0

[To my love, my light: Madox...]

My love for You, Son
Is no different today
than it was the moment
You became inside me-

I am Nothing more than
an empty Shell without You.

My distance is only to
Protect You
from what follows me.

O’ what a scare my Eyes will give You.
For my Soul’s been taped;
but not before being raped.
The mending takes time
and I will not have You staring,
Eye to Eye
While I fight to recover
my smiling Eyes.

Stop Your Searching
for ‘Mama‘s Car’-
or [i]Me.[/i]

I begged God
to have pity upon me.
With his Mercy,
He spared Your
Sacred Soul
from All - or any

[i] Or so I Force myself to Believe.[/i]

Philip Winchester 08 October 2009

I understand and you describe well the torment in vivid colours.Can I be of help to that distress by sending my love and kindest regards to my fellow Poet, You write well, I shall read more. Philip

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Sandra Martyres 09 October 2009

You have captured the pain and torment that you have gone through very well in this poignant piece...10

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Spiritwind Wood 09 October 2009

this is one of the deepest poems i have read-i actually felt the pain myself-10+++++++

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Mark R Slaughter 10 October 2009

A powerful rush of emotion, a calling, a plea. Great write Mark

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Raymond Rivera 11 October 2009

I have read this poem before and it didn't pull me in because the words didn't interest me... But reading it again, I actually had to hold back tears after reading this piece. And I mean literally,100% no joke. This is painfully beautiful, and painfully painful. Best wishes Quin. And because I've never had a poem (or anything other form of entertainment, for that matter) make me feel the way this poem did. I'm going to have to favorite this. Amazing write.

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This Is Not Me ... 21 October 2009

This is just beautiful...I have no other words. And I wish you and Madox... all the best

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Chris Mendros 20 October 2009

no comment can do this justice. Strong.

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Dr Hitesh Sheth 19 October 2009

a poem full of motherly love.......a good write..........

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Patrick McFarland 18 October 2009

Beautiful and passionate. A wonderful poem Quin. 10+

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Raymond Rivera 14 October 2009

This is still amazing....I know two comments might be annoying but this is incredible....

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