Every step
is a colorful
the color
ripples out
in all directions
I dream
A million little lights
go off
in my brain
I'm alive
once again
the troubles fades
my mind hazes over
with careless things
wonderful things
AMAZING things
I watch it all happen
in my head
I see
thoughts dancing
ideas growing
bursts of energy
my mind is somersaulting
cart wheeling
upside down
my world is turned
I'm sitting there
watching it all happen
watching it all change
I'm grinning
a sloppy grin
my eyes
rabid even
finally what I've been waiting for
something new
has arrived
I'm ready
for whatever it brings me
This is excellent Elmo - the passion, the excitement and the lack of cliche impress. You sing your song with a poet's voice. love, Allie ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
YES! Exactly. So much more real, and it isn't recyled phrases, it's you. You're going to go far X's and O's
Great thought and feeling.... its like making love, makes your world go zipping, zapping, twisting, turning... a crazy feeling indeed... that can burst! A 10.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
the color ripples out in all directions nice lines *Purkey Girl*