'' As Expected You Refuse To Agree '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' As Expected You Refuse To Agree ''

NASA's in a panic,
This could be titanic,
Voyager's at last been found,
So why the Hell are they feeling manic,
Why have they fled under ground?

Signals received,
Means they're feeling grieved,
The aliens are now on their way,
What they're saying cannot be believed,
Money doesn't hold any sway?

World leaders are fraught,
Aliens can't be bought,
For riches they don't have a need,
This anomaly has left them distraught,
They don't know the meaning of greed?

Being light years ahead,
It has to be said,
Their technology is way beyond ours,
Does that mean we'll all end up dead,
They do have extraordinary powers.

Those messages we sent,
Aliens know weren't meant,
They know we do not speak the truth,
Having watched us they know we are bent,
Our deceit they're saying is uncouth.

The facts you delete,
You have used deceit,
This behaviour seems to cause such delight,
Sadly it's the reason you're staring at defeat,
As a life form you're not very bright.

In our evolution,
There was a revolution,
Greed and wars are entrenched in our past,
You've never even tried to find a solution,
Your arrogance leaves us aghast.

The Human Being,
Who knows not of agreeing?
Will do anything to fulfil their desires,
Though you believe you are all seeing?
We view you as nothing but liars.

Your Voyager craft,
A space faring raft,
Though primitive it has given us the key,
Telling others where you dwell was extremely daft,

‘' As Expected You Refuse To Agree ‘'

Thursday, February 4, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: space
The human race in their arrogance gave our alien relatives our location, if our evolution is anything to go by it's goodbye to us when they arrive.Sleep tight.
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