Be Encouraged Poem by Patricia Grantham

Be Encouraged

Rating: 4.7

When you have been inspired to do great things in life
The road ahead will be filled with many a trouble and strife
You've tried to succeed many times but always seem to fail
Maybe the path you have taken is worn so try another trail

The path that is set before us is filled with many a gravel
There is many a curves set before us and can be difficult to travel
So don't give up and keep the faith, not accept failure as your fate
That is when success will step in and open up the gate

Many signs are set before us to show us the way to go
We ignore the very things that keeps us in the know
It seems like success takes a long time to enter in
When you feel like giving up is when faith steps in and win

Copyright 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: encouragement
Dave Walker 03 January 2013

It's a long road we have to walk, but ig we want to make it a good life we have to walk it. A fantastic poem.

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Never give up is the motto. Nicely expressed.

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Louis Rams 29 July 2013

encouraged by a woman named PATRICIA GRANTHAM- I will move forward, I will take my stand. with words of encouragement she leads you thru your aches and pains, and always letting you know in your heart there is no shame.

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R.j. Wynn 06 August 2013

Like it, so much easier said than done.

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Valsa George 29 July 2013

..... 'not accept failure as your fate'...Yes, when we persevere with hope, may be after taking a different track, that success steps in and opens the gate! As Samuel Johnson says- Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance''! Often it is when we are about to give up, that success steps in! A great message so valid in all times, put in lilting verse! !

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Khairul Ahsan 05 March 2015

Thank you so much for writing this beautiful poem and sharing it with us. The poem lives up to the expectation one would cherish after reading the apt title of the poem. To continue to keep faith in oneself and never to give up is the motto of the poem. Very inspiring indeed!

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Truly it is an inspiring poem for service to humanity and good deeds.

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Amitava Sur 21 November 2013

Truly an encouraging poem which charges up the mind. Injects energy in a hollow mind...... very fine.

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Neethu Prasanna 15 October 2013

A motivating poem..high marks!

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Ramesh Rai 19 August 2013

faith is a great achievement. for instance i m writing poetry since teenage. i had so many responsibilities. i keep it continued off and on with faith to do after completion of major responsibilities. time is now coming very closer to devote fully. so a great write.a great poem.

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Patricia Grantham

Patricia Grantham

Moncks Corner, South Carolina
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