Because Poem by Ernestine Northover


Rating: 5.0

You’re shaking because you don’t know
what I’m going to say.
I’m shaking because I do know what I’m
going to say.

I love you.

You shake my heart.

You’re swaying because you know now
what I was going to say.
I’m swaying because you know now what
I was going to say.

You sway my mind.

You’re delighting because of what I have said.
I’m delighting because of what I have said.

I love you, because

You delight my soul.

© Ernestine Northover

Frank Bana 25 June 2007

Ernestine, so very pure, direct, and beautiful in simplicity! Exquisitely written. Thank you! Frank

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Duncan Wyllie 25 June 2007

AN AMAZING EXAMPLE OF A BEAUTIFUL HEART AND SOUL, STANDS BEFORE US ALL AT POEM HUNTER, THE ONE AND ONLY..................................................... ........................ERNESTINE NORTHOVER! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ..............A REAL STAR* Love duncan XXX

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David Harris 25 June 2007

Ernestine, what a wonderful poem, just a delight to read and as delightful as the person who wrote it. I can say that sincerely because I met you. As Duncan said you are a STAR*. Top Marks and thanks for sharing it. David

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Marci Made 25 June 2007

This is just a marvelous love poem Ernestine. It is grand! thank you for sharing your talent as so many of the great poets have left this month..well Jim is back at least.....You are a real writer with an abundance of, marci.xo

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Cecil (cj) Krieger 26 June 2007

Ah yes Ernestine... Nothing is more wonderful than the delight of the soul... well... maybe the flesh... (smile) My Best CJ

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Andrew Blakemore 16 March 2008

A beautiful and tender poem. Great write. Andrew x

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Alison Cassidy 20 January 2008

I have to agree with everything Denis has said. It's all there - the wonder, the tenderness, the acceptance, and the knowingness that love changes the way we see the whole world. A rose colored poem written in humility and truth. love, Allie ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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Joseph Daly 09 July 2007

'I love you. You shake my heart' Ernestine, this is beautiful and those lines serve as a poem in their own right. The feel to this is warm and gives emotions as a matter of fact. You might feel that readers would emapathise. There is nothing wrong with that but, for me there is so much more, written and composed here than just that feeling of 'I know what Ernestine is saying'. For me it is poems such as this that make me understand Lenin's feeling on Beethoven's Appassionataq. he said that it made him forget the horrors of the world and want to just pat everyone on the head. The world needs that as much as the individual needs to breath.

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Not a member No 4 05 July 2007

I have to stand shoulder to shoulder with that most percipient of commentors, dear Allie, and add that you've captured a great deal of the magic of the situation in this, and that is a truly difficult thing to do. Daring and brilliant. Goes straight to the crux of the matter, the writing is fluidly eloquent and the content is right on the money. Has the reader shaking too.290 points! ! Loved this Ernestine! xx jim

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Alison Cassidy 03 July 2007

Ernestine - this is one of your finest pieces. So simply told, so deeply felt. One to savour again and again. love, Allie xxxx

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