Bird 4 - Kokila -The Cuckoo Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Bird 4 - Kokila -The Cuckoo

Rating: 4.8

You remain a hidden wonder,
Beyond my roving naked eye,
The mysterious voice that sings,
Cuc-koo! - - - - Cuc-koo!

A voice that heralds the joyous spring,
Like a rejoicing bell,
Breaking the silence of the tender dawn,
With a voice so endearing!

You ensure your presence with that shrill call,
It's a signal to get up and look around,
Past the cold winter and the forgotten promises,
Into the warm summer of hopes and aspirations!

I look up eagerly at the tall leafy trees,
To catch a glimpse of you,
The little bird-wonder so unassuming,
Yet, so powerfully vociferous!

When the first drops of rain come sprinkling down,
Amidst the thick Mango or shady Jamun trees,
Or among the bright red or flashy yellow Gulmohar,
Where do you disappear? I wonder!

A greater wonder!
That you lay your eggs in a crow's nest,
Sometimes, of other birds too,
But no, never in a nest of your kind!

Once out of the white shell,
You are really smart,
You can stand on your legs
And can help your siblings too!

Is it not strange and surprising
That a crow can hatch
The eggs of your genus,
No caste and creed here!

You are a lucky bird,
To be so carefully nurtured by foster parents
Until you are strong and ready
To fly swiftly to a distant land!

You remain a hidden- enigma,
A sound only - like a Mantra!
A voice so pure - yet so distant,
The elusive - Cuckoo bird!

Bird 4 -  Kokila -The Cuckoo
Monday, August 10, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: bird,nature
Kumarmani Mahakul 24 June 2018

You are a lucky bird, To be so carefully nurtured by foster parents Until you are strong and ready To fly swiftly to a distant land! You remain a hidden- enigma, A sound only - like a Mantra! A voice so pure - yet so distant, The elusive - Cuckoo bird! touching and true. Nice expression. Beautiful poem on Cockoo has been shared amazingly.

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Rajnish Manga 24 May 2017

It is indeed a treat to the senses and the reader's sensibilities. Your deep love of nature is quite evident once again. Cuckoo or Kokila is a household name whose sweet voice is a synonym of springs and joy. The poem brings to life the joy of spring and good luck in life. Thanks, Geeta ji. The mysterious voice that sings / Cuc-koo! - - - - Cuc-koo! A voice that heralds the joyous spring.... like a Mantra!

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Thank you again for the sweet note of your comment..Once again, so happy that you read this poem. These wonders of nature are in and around you. We need to take time to observe them. Nature has attracted me a lot and i am in awe of birds- most wonderful creations.

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Valsa George 24 November 2016

I am so fond of birds that I am enamoured by your poems on birds......! Yes... the cuckoo is a clever bird and lucky too to be well taken care of by foster parents when young and privileged to shirk the responsibility of building a nest when grown....! A very sweet and beautiful poem, Geeta! Top marks! I have written a similar poem.... To the Singing Lark!

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Thanks a lot Valsa! i just read your fabulous comment on the Cuckoo. I feel birds are the most beautiful creation of God. Always wished that i was born a bird. Eager to read your poem - To the singing Lark! :)

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Dr Antony Theodore 01 October 2015

Breaking the silence of the tender dawn, With a voice so endearing Is it not strange and surprising That a crow can hatch The eggs of your genus, No caste and creed here! A sound only – like a Mantra! Such beautiful verses you wrote. this is a meditation on the sweet voice of cuckoo. you finally go to philosophize about no cast or creed or color. very good poem. thank you

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First of all apologies for reading this comment so, so late. Thank you Tony for your gracious and generous comment.. Wishing you the very best with warm regards.

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Abdulrazak Aralimatti 18 August 2015

A lovely ode to the cuckoo as lovely as its voice

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Thank you so much. You really heard the sweet voice of the Cuckoo.

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