Bottomless Pit Poem by Ayman Parray

Bottomless Pit

Rating: 5.0

I will stare down into the bottomless pit
Till I see a reflection in it
The abyss never lies
Only deceives the weak, the blind
When the body falls, the soul flies
The mind never dies, but rest it will find
Have I ever helped someone in desperate need?
Was it truly for them or my own greed
Have I ever really sown a good deed to reap in the end
Have I dug my own grave to sleep in the end?

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Bottomless Pit
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: dark,death,grave,motivation
Abdulrazak Aralimatti 02 September 2015

Have I ever helped anyone in desperate need? Was it truly for them or my own greed? Highly introspective, thoughtful, virtuous, compassionate query indeed

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Ayman Parray 03 September 2015

Sometimes thoughts come and I pen down. Thank you my friend, Abdulrazak.

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Bharati Nayak 04 September 2015

The deep question about life and death-our true purpose of life, whether we are fulfilling the duties for which we have been sent to this earth is what the poet seems to ask when he says- Have I ever really sown a good deed to reap in the end Have I dug my own grave to sleep in the end?

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Red Soul 27 June 2018

The aim of charity often confuses me. The poem is an excellent one and speaks of some really deep, serious issues. Thanks for sharing Mr. Parray.

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Nance Butterworth 29 August 2016

I love the imagery and self examination in retrospect. A poem that inspires us all to question what motivates our good deeds.

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Sranisha Francis 07 June 2016

Only deceives the weak, the blind When the body falls, the soul flies The mind never dies Here I like to add, The soul will never dies.

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Mike Smith 14 February 2016

Was it truly for them or my own greed I've often thought this same question about my actions that could be considered selfless or charitable. Was my motivation to help others? Or simply to please myself by appearing kindhearted. A good read, and relatable.10

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Ayman Parray 15 March 2016

Thanks Mike for taking the time to read and appreciate my friend.

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Nosheen Irfan 04 February 2016

Fantastic write. Very philosophical. You have a lot of depth that shows in this poem.10

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Ayman Parray 15 March 2016

Thanks dear friend, Nosheen.

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