Meseemed that while she played, while lightly yet
Her fingers fell, as roses bloom by bloom,
I listened dead within a mighty room
Of some old palace where great casements let
Gaunt moonlight in, that glimpsed a parapet
Of statued marble: in the arrased gloom
Majestic pictures towered, dim as doom,
The dreams of Titian and of Tintoret.
And then, it seemed, along a corridor,
A mile of oak, a stricken footstep came,
Hurrying, yet slow … I thought long centuries
Passed ere she entered she, I loved of yore,
For whom I died, who wildly wailed my name
And bent and kissed me on the mouth and eyes.
Enigmatic and intriguing yet lovely poem. Thanks for sharing.
....simply exquisite write which carries the reader back in time to a more romantic age ★
....Wow the imagery, ... listened dead within a mighty room Of some old palace where great casements let Gaunt moonlight in, that glimpsed a parapet Of statued marble: in the arrased gloom Majestic pictures towered, dim as doom... just exquisite
There seemed to me to be a touch of Poe in the beauty and mystery of some of these lines! The rhymes were perfectly chosen, the rhythm tight and the atmosphere aching for love never ending. Absolutely beautiful. - - - - she played, while lightly yet Her fingers fell, as roses bloom by bloom, - - - - where great casements let Gaunt moonlight in, that glimpsed a parapet Of statued marble: - - - - it seemed, along a corridor, A mile of oak, a stricken footstep came, Hurrying, yet slow … - - - - -I thought long centuries Passed ere she entered she, I loved of yore, For whom I died, who wildly wailed my name And bent and kissed me on the mouth and eyes.
whenever and wherever the moon appears, it glows my soul.
Her love! With the muse of the roses. Nice work.