Change In Life Is Possible! Poem by Ramesh T A

Change In Life Is Possible!

Grief stricken girls and guys seek the beauty of Nature to get solace and relief;
With the inspiration from Nature they express spontaneous ideas of heart
In the form of romantic poems to get spiritual satisfaction like singing birds;
That brings together two soul mates of the same status to sing songs of love!
Love is an extraordinary power that only can solve even insoluble matters
For making the journey of life smooth as flying in space even if it be a tallest hill
With many hair pin bends steep and slippery to join the sweet heart just as
The mist mingles with the transparent clouds on the peak covered with snow!
A mountain like grief moves away like mist by the magical power of love
Inspired by the beauty of Nature bringing together lonely hearts of grief
To have a better chance of life to enjoy all pleasures that are otherwise only
Possible in rare dreams not at all possible in this fast uncertain world of life!
Nature, poetry and love are not only for romantic girls and guys for relief ever,
But also for all grief stricken lonely souls blinking in despair for change in life!

Kumarmani Mahakul 06 July 2017

Love is an extraordinary power that only can solve even insoluble matters.......really it is. True love can bring perfect changes in life. Nature, poetry and love can provide romantic to girls and guys as well as it can bring changes. Beautiful poem has been shared here. Thank you sir for posting such a valuable poem.

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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