Cloud Poem by Sarvesh Kulkarni


Rating: 5.0

I see along the horizon, a distant cloud,

still, with a sense of contentment,
So purely white,
without any hue,
devoid of any attribute.
So incorrigibly holy.

An unknown destiny,
blessed with a wandering fate.
yet so soulful.

Just a simple cloud.

Michael Fischer 03 October 2008

Great poem...well thought out and executed...for being so young, you're very talented. Keep writing! -Michael

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Gargi Saha 05 October 2008

I liked the pristine beauty and simplicity of your poem. U get 10++

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Indira Babbellapati 06 October 2008

simple yet profound, dear young philosopher...

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Pooja Ladyluck 10 October 2008

another great piece.......thanx a lot! ! !

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Tj Becker 16 October 2008

Your poems have a peacefulness to them, that was what I was trying to say in the last comment, but since is (barely 5 am) my brain hasn't woken with the rest of the body.

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Ishita Mehta 30 June 2009

so much said in so little words bout clouds........... wonderful poetry composed........

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Priyanka Bhowmick 19 June 2009

a simple cloud wid all the beauties of the universe... lovely..! !

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Rudy Hossam 16 January 2009

wow very touching really it brought tears to my eyes....thanks a lot for sharing

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Moushumi moushumi 31 December 2008

Very touchy & simple on the face of cloud. you are a great poet. keep it up. Happy new year2009 to you & your dear ones.

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Sandeep Patil 22 October 2008

An unknown destiny, Just a simple cloud. very touching, how real mean it is thanks for writting like this

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