Curse Of The Curious Computer Cursor...[ Trying To Follow The " Ghost-Cursor "; I Thought It Was Spelled Curser! ; S H O R T; Help! ! ] Poem by Bri Edwards

Curse Of The Curious Computer Cursor...[ Trying To Follow The " Ghost-Cursor "; I Thought It Was Spelled Curser! ; S H O R T; Help! ! ]

Lately something had been causing me great grief.
From searching for cursor, I'd found NO good relief,
till my dear helpmate 'came to the rescue', at my request,
and Enlarged AND Emboldened the cursor. Now it's 'The Best..
Cursor' I've ever seen; I can follow it NOW all over the screen!

Don't ask what her trick was. I'm a computer dunce.It's true!
To hear "Bri's a dunce" [stupid] will surely shock you & YOU!

I can now follow/find "it", AND it helps me scroll down...
on the 'submit-a-poem page'!I no longer am a clown.

Well, ...not completely! !

(September, ....8th, .....2018)

Saturday, September 8, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: helplessness,humorous,sharing,technology
Basically it is the whole true story.for details, just ask! !
Perdita Young 20 September 2018

Only the clever minds dare to admit one's limitations... A Thumb-up for Valsa's comment~ :) We are all a dunce sometimes at some things. Greetings, from Perdita.

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Valsa George 11 September 2018

It doesn't surprise me to know that Mr. Bri is a dunce in certain things, though he is extra smart in some other things! (Did it offend Bri..... No....! I don't think it hurts him! He is not narrow in his attitude.....but quite liberal as we all know!)

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Kelly Kurt 09 September 2018

Many problems with computers seem to be the lack of intuitive structure. Being an old fogey doesn't help me either.: -)

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Savita Tyagi 08 September 2018

My sympathies! I too am mourning the loss of my computer. My iPad is giving constant trouble. My days on poemHunter just might be numbered.

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
Error Success