Dance 5 -A Pleasant Meditation Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Dance 5 -A Pleasant Meditation

Rating: 5.0

A dancer without dance?
Or dance without a dancer?
They exist one with the other.
Like the sun and its rays,
Like the ocean and its waves,
Like the fire and its orange glow,
Dance is performed and manifests its varied hues
Through the vibrant movement of the dancer!

Whatever be life's philosophy
Or its phenomenal ways,
Unpredictable, yet,
Stranger than any legendary tale,
Finally, it is the dance alone,
The true motivation,
The rhythm of existence,
The sound of vital breath,
That makes one exhilaratingly happy!

Dance - a pleasant meditation
Of Supreme Reality;
The myriad colours of
‘Raaga' - Melody,
‘Taala' - Rhythm,
‘Bhaava'- Expresssion,
Merg and mould to become
An aesthetic delight,
A soulful symphony,
A bliss of highest Consciousness!

Dance 5 -A Pleasant Meditation
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: dancing,emotions,happiness,meditation,dance
Lamar Cole 25 November 2018

Great poem about dance being a pleasant meditation.

4 0 Reply

Thanks Lamar. Nice to see you on this dance page.

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Preeti Maity 26 July 2020

I agree with your words. According to me a true dancer will dance even when they are experiencing the deepest sorrows because dance is not just an art form but a medium of attaining peace. A dancer will never quit dancing.

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Shruti Verman 02 June 2020

Only a trueblue dancer can come up with something like this..

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Glen Kappy 08 December 2018

Geeta, your love of dance shouts from this poem. And you make me think how descriptions of all life itself as a dance are appropriate—the wind or spirit that moves trees, waves, our hearts... As it happens my eight year old granddaughter who studies break dancing has what they call a battle today. I appreciate how this has been teaching her to hear and move with rhythm and makes her body strong. Thank you for this poem. -Glen

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Hi Glen, thank you for this lovely review. Dance is a part of my life, my body, my mind and my soul. :)

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Valsa George 01 December 2018

The myriad colours of ‘Raaga' - Melody, ‘Taala' - Rhythm, ‘Bhaava'- Expresssion, Merg and mould to become An aesthetic delight, A soulful symphony, A bliss of highest Consciousness! You have within you the Goddess of dance residing in majesty and you have known and experienced the influence of that deity and beautifully caught the essence of dance in the concluding lines of this poem. Just beautiful....!

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Valsa, thanks a lot for these wonderful words of appreciation. You write with such depth and conviction that it is always a pleasure to read your comments. God bless.

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M Asim Nehal 28 November 2018

Outstanding poem followed by a graceful posture speaks louder than the words. Mind blowing poem. Thanks for sharing this wonderful poem.

3 0 Reply

Asim ji, thank you so much for your beautiful words. You have always been very generous.

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