Eight Lines Poem by Daniel Brick

Eight Lines

Rating: 4.8

When we named each other,
language played its essential role:
to identify the beloved (Oh, what splendor!) ,
and then fall into a protective silence.

When we named each other,
every thing else fell into place,
settled into its comfortable niche,
except for our restless, love-mad selves.

Saturday, March 11, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: romantic
Edward Kofi Louis 11 March 2017

Protective silence. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Unwritten Soul 20 March 2017

Thank you :) :) eight number when you rotate to be in horizontal form can be a symbol of infinity, i believe your eight lines are enough to be the starter and the ending and cycle goes on...

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Unwritten Soul 18 March 2017

Clever eight lines...how come this eight lines explain so much beautiful in detail and realness... :) Thanks for this beautiful eight lines Daniel!

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Daniel Brick 18 March 2017

The challenge of this sort of poem is to know when to stop and resist the urge to write another eight lines! I like yiour poen-name. TheUnwritten Soul is a fine metaphor for the source of our poetic creativity which seems to be deeper than speech, maybe deeper than thought itself, where things are fully whole.

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Bharati Nayak 17 March 2017

Love is an emotion that is felt deep inside the heart.Lovers identify each other through subtle exchange of words.But once they know each others' feelings, words fall silent as love overwhelms them.

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Daniel Brick 17 March 2017

Your comment in prose reveals the beating heart of my poem. The silence you describe is exactly the result of overwhelming love. You compressed so much truth about love into those three sentences, they complete the love experience that begins with my EIGHT LINES.

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Nosheen Irfan 17 March 2017

Well these eight lines are worth a million. Love is a complicated thing. By naming our emotions and naming the people in our life, we give some kind of meaning to life. But a love-sick soul finds no comfort in a calculated n organized setup of life. It always craves for things that are unworldly. A10

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Daniel Brick 17 March 2017

EIGHT LINES WORTH A MILLION - I wanted to suggest a lot in a few words. I'm glad it worked for you! I had written another 4-line stanza and I had to fight my urge to make the poem longer. Your comment makes me realize then 8 lines are short and sweet, nothing more needed.

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Cigeng Zhang 16 March 2017

In life, there are really some people who deserve to be name in mind. Beautiful.

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