Environment 6 -Plastic Pollution Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Environment 6 -Plastic Pollution

Rating: 5.0

Polluting the environment with
Plastics - the new age material,
Polluting our rivers, lakes and ponds,
Perpetually damaging our marine life by
Pouring dirt, throwing litter, garbage,
Persistently threatening human health.

Celebrations of the world Environment day,
Committed to eradicate the plastic menace have
Connected to every state, universities and parks,
Crying out loud to beat the plastic pollution,
Communities and individuals taking up the
Cause of plastic ban as a serious objective of life.

Natural disasters or calamities cannot be escaped, but
Man-made blunders can be stopped or terminated.

Environment 6 -Plastic Pollution
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: environment,man,nature,nature love
This is a picture taken by me during my evening walk in Deer park in Delhi. The lake, ducks, trees and flowers are beautiful but it is disturbing to see plastic bags and plastic bottles littered all over the park.
A beautiful park is made ugly by people throwing garbage all around. It is man and only man responsible for this plastic pollution.
Kumarmani Mahakul 05 June 2018

Environmental pollution is a big issue today. This poem is very sensitive and this wonderful poem. Natural disasters or calamities cannot be avoided as pollution is growing rapidly. Such case provokes thought. This poem is brilliantly presented with excellent view...10

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Thank you so much Kumarmani ji for the understanding and the sensitivity of the subject of pollution. I am grateful for your generous appraisal.

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Robert Murray Smith 05 June 2018

Geeta, a poem of importance. Can you send it to your local paper.++10 Robert

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Kumarmani Mahakul 15 June 2021

Visited this paom again for its quality expression regarding environment and pollution. Full vote.

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Pallab Chaudhury 24 March 2019

a very nice poem highlighting the problems of the present time.... thank you for sharing with us. Stay blessed pc

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Kumarmani Mahakul 15 November 2018

Plastic pollution is really a great headache to the present government. Plastic bags are not mingled in the soil more than one lac years. So the use of plastic bags should be banned. In this regard a touching expression has been made by you. I cite....Natural disasters or calamities cannot be avoided, / but Man-made blunders can be stopped or terminated. A brilliant poem.10

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 13 October 2018

I like the two closure lines of this marvelous write. They convey a will and firm determination to stop this man.made blunder. A great poem well crafted.10+++++

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Thanks a lot Rose, for your support against the plastic pollution. Yes, the last two lines emphasise that man is responsible for this pollution.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 13 October 2018

A powerful write with a meaningful message. Each and everyone of us must join hands in the preservation of our environment. Pollution in all forms must be abhorred. This wonderful poem is a wake up call and must be read by all. We must take care of our environment for future generations.

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So good of you Rose, for your affirmation against the plastics that has polluted the environment around us.It is for us to join hands to better our environment.

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