Fat Woman Conquers Canada Poem by Belle Wassermeister

Fat Woman Conquers Canada

Rating: 5.0

Two months ago I started here,
encouraged by my hubby.
I must admit I had some fear,
because I am quite chubby.

No, "chubby" doesn't tell the tale;
how do I say this? Zounds!
The truth is that I am obese:
I weigh five hundred pounds!

I've written under different names
because I was afraid
to tell the world just who I was,
and almost left, but stayed.

But people seemed to like my poems,
and all have been so kind!
My "popularity" has grown;
it almost blows my mind!

I'm number one now here at home,
but fame's a fleeting thing.
Should I drop off the chart for good,
I wouldn't cry; I'd sing!

Monday, August 19, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: body,fame,identify
It's hard for me to believe that just two months ago I joined Poem Hunter,
and my so called "popularity" has grown to where I am number eleven in the world and number one here at home in Canada!

My husband is very impressed by this, but it doesn't mean that much to me because I have other things on my mind - such as a tumor. The doctor says it's in a place that he considers inoperable, but we will probably get some other opinions on that.
Hans Vr 23 August 2019

I really hope your health problem gets solved as soon as possible. Keep up the writing, I am so glad you get appreciation for your poems; they are very well written and the rhymes sound and flow naturally. Well done, Linda, Keep writing poetry.

9 0 Reply
Kim Barney 20 August 2019

Congratulations on conquering Canada! My mother was born there, and my good friend Wes Vogler lives there, so I feel a connection. If it's too much for you to handle, could you give me the province of Alberta? Thanks.

10 0 Reply
Carl Roussell 19 August 2019

You do well deserve your poetry rankings - some very talented writing. Good luck with your health concerns - I want to read many more pieces from you!

11 0 Reply
Kim Barney 20 August 2019

You're right, Carl. She really does deserve her rankings. I think her talent is bigger than most if not all of the poets on this site!

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Belle Wassermeister

Belle Wassermeister

Gleichen, Alberta, Canada
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