Farewell To Richard Poem by Belle Wassermeister

Farewell To Richard

Rating: 5.0

You stood by me through all those times
when I thought I would die,
and marveled at your love for me
and often wondered why.

We've muddled on through thick and thin
and always found a way
to keep Death's angel from our door,
at least until today.

Now you're the one he's come to get
and I am filled with grief;
I'll still be here and you'll be gone - -
it staggers my belief.

I couldn't ask for anyone
more kind to share my life;
the smartest thing I ever did
was say I'd be your wife.

When I was thick and you were thin,
my mind became deranged,
but then I lost four hundred pounds
and your love never changed.

Why can't I be the one to leave?
I can't go on alone!
I'll founder in life's swimming pool,
around my neck a stone.

This horrible Corona thing
had dealt us quite a blow.
You'll be observing from above
as I am here below.

May God give strength to carry on
through times both good and bad;
I'll think about you all the time,
and treasure what we had.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: love,separation,illness,life and death,loneliness
In loving memory of my husband, Richard James Wassermeister,1955-2020
Varsha M 17 November 2020

This is a beautiful poem of a blessed loving relationship which seems to end with Richards' death. You have expressed wife's emotions and battle of mind so well. The goodness of relationship rules the poetry. May God give you strength through these though times.

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Cowboy Ron Williams 19 January 2022

Dear Belle, I thought I had left a comment on this before, but I don't see it. This is a marvelous tribute to your husband. So well done! Great meter and rhyme! Extremely sorry for your loss. I wish I could wrap you in a big hug!

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Deluke Muwanigwa 21 February 2021

Very sorry ma'am. I m sure he appreciates this poem wherever he is. Take heart.

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Yiyan Han 26 November 2020

Yes he would want you to carry on, and compose more and more with your talent.5+++

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Richard Wlodarski 17 November 2020

A heart-wrenching tribute to the love of your live. So beautifully written, Linda Bella. My sincerest condolences.

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Kim Barney 17 November 2020

Dear Belle, I'm so sorry to hear that Richard has lost his battle with Covid. It's so sad to be alone, especially when your own health is not so good. Your poem is beautiful, with perfect meter and rhyme. Thank you for sharing this!

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Belle Wassermeister

Belle Wassermeister

Gleichen, Alberta, Canada
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