Don't you ever feel?
God's blessing in the air?
Don't you ever smell?
God's blessing in our meal?
Don't you ever touch?
God's blessing in us much?
Don't you ever see?
God's blessing in the sea?
Don't you ever hear?
God's blessings for us so near.
Rejoice! count them all!
We are not impoverish,
To get envy with the rich,
We have lots to reach,
God is just waiting for our speech.
there are many blessings that we are going to receive.Just yield on it.. And give thanks for and in every blessings
Very good poem. On the blessings of God. A thanksgiving to Him, for all he has rendered to us. Loved this, We have lots to reach, God is just waiting for our speech.
Be thankful of everything you have right now for they are God's blessing. Don't be selfish instead be a generous one because as you give to your neighbor it's a way to give back God's blessings. The more blessings we give to others the more blessing we receive....
This poem can touch the hearts of everyone and making us realized how blessed we are. We should be thankful for all the blessings we received as what the line said Rejoice! count them all! ! . Always bear in our mind that everything we seen in this world, the air that we breathe it is God's created. In the line ' We are not impoverished, to get envy with the rich, makes us think that we are so blessed because He gives us life and that's the most important, so don't waste any chances to thank Him. also in the line God is waiting for our speech, this line refreshes on what I've been through, in times of my distress and I felt so hopeless I go to Him seeking His help and He didn't disappoint me. This is a lesson that in every problems that come upon us we should be thankful because that means He loves us and that His way for us to remember that He exist, He is always with us, waiting for us when will we come and call Him. I really like this poem, somebody who read this can learn and realized how grateful we are for receiving so many blessings from Him. Makes us learn to be thankful in everything that we have. God bless!
As I read this inspiring poem It really affects me because sometimes in my life I forgot to thank our Almighty God for all the blessings that he have showered upon me. And sometimes in our lives God give us problems to make our life more strong to challenge or to face the problems. Every time that God will give us a problem, there's always a solution and a reason. So accept it with all our heart and soul. God bless
A poem made by Susan Aparejo in titled 'God's Blessings' made me always remember that in our daily needs, activities were always the blessings of God.Even though it's bad or good, it's the plan of God, whatever it may be.In every events in our lives, there's a reason. In reading this poem, I'm so impressed specially in the wordings that my eyes would sparkle.The meaning upon these words were barred in my mind so quickly.This poem means a lot to me, because it reminds us of what were the blessings of God.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
let us praise almighty god for he gave us everything in this world dont be foolish to put god in the center of our heart, let us thank god for his blessing(god is powerful)