Goodbye! Poem by Richard Aldington


Rating: 3.6

Come, thrust your hands in the warm earth
And feel her strength through all your veins;
Breathe her full odors, taste her mouth,
Which laughs away imagined pains;
Touch her life's womb, yet know
This substance makes your grave also.

Shrink not; your flesh is no more sweet
Than flowers which daily blow and die;
Nor are your mein and dress so neat,
Nor half so pure your lucid eye;
And, yet, by flowers and earth I swear
You're neat and pure and sweet and fair.

M Asim Nehal 06 July 2016

A nice way to say that and the poem is written with divine touch. And, yet, by flowers and earth I swear You're neat and pure and sweet and fair.

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Bernard F. Asuncion 25 July 2017

Such an interesting poem posted here....

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Mahtab Bangalee 25 July 2018

wow excellent word of GOODBYE- Touch her life's womb... This substance makes your grave spellbound over all

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Pranab K Chakraborty 25 July 2017

And, yet, by flowers and earth I swear You're neat and pure and sweet and fair.............................. Yes, love has its own way of accepting. Nice write. Pranab k chakraborty

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Rajnish Manga 25 July 2017

Nice philosophical presentation on earth and life. Thanks. I quote: And feel her strength through all your veins; Breathe her full odors, taste her mouth,

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Christine 12 August 2021

Most horrible website ever!

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Susan Williams 25 July 2018

A morbid truth- - alas, poor Yorick and farewell. Dang, this was not a day to give me one more depressing thought.

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Practicing Poetess 25 July 2018

A very interesting, and unusual, poem

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Anil Kumar Panda 25 July 2018

A beauty indeed. Enjoyed it very much. Thanks for sharing.

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Chandan Dey 25 July 2018

Touch her life's womb, yet know This substance makes your grave also....A wonderful poem that tells us the eternal relationship between life and nature. Chandan

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Richard Aldington

Richard Aldington

Portsmouth, Hampshire
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